- Special Needs Education Copenhagen, 5-6 March 2013 Roger Blamire. European Schoolnet
Agenda Tuesday 5 March Welcome, introductions, apologies Danish policy and implementation: strategy for inclusion Developments in SNE: round table Teacher education: raising awareness and competence building –Development of modulesmodules –Piloting SENnet partner issues Wednesday 6 March Copenhagen municipaliity School visits: Tove Ditlevsens Skole, Blaagaard Skole Universal Design and learning disorders Digital resources Future meetings
Teacher education The course learning outcomes are: Identify main challenges and strategies to the inclusion of SEN pupils in mainstream schools as well as accomodation and modification measures; Describe main principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) relating to learner centred theories and different ways pupils learn; Analyse web accessibilities rules and assistive technologies for different disabilities; Use learning design models and tools and create, reuse or adapt open educational resources
Open access course
Contents Inclusion of SEN pupils in mainstream schools Strategies to include SEN pupils in mainstream schools Physical and architectural accessibilities Adjustment measures for SEN pupils What is ICF?Advantages of the instrument.How to apply it to classify SEN pupils functions and participation? Identification of adjustment measures Individual Education Plan (IEP) Individual Transition Plan Universal Design for Learning UDL Principles and the curriculum Multiple Intelligences theory How pupils learn and the importance of visualization Computer Accessibilities Web accessibility rules Windows configurations for special needs Assistive Technologies Assessing needs for special technologies Vision Hearing Mobility Communication Learning disabilities Open Educational Resources and Learning Design Finding OER - creating, reusing, adapting, making accessible Analysing and using learning design models and tools