Contract: EIE/07/069/SI2.466698 Duration: October 2007 – March 2010Version: Nov. 30, 2009 How to integrate the CEN-EPBD standards in national building.


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Presentation transcript:

Contract: EIE/07/069/SI Duration: October 2007 – March 2010Version: Nov. 30, 2009 How to integrate the CEN-EPBD standards in national building regulations? The use of EN as starting point for coordination of Member States regulations Johann ZIRNGIBL CSTB / France

slide 2 Outline The EU CENSE project Background Starting point – modular structure Basic calculation steps (from the needs to source) Reporting and Benchmarking Conclusion and Outlook

slide 3 The EU CENSE project (Oct March 2010) Aim of the project: To accelerate adoption and improve effectiveness of the EPBD related CEN- standards in the EU Member States These standards were successively published in the years and are being implemented or planned to be implemented in many EU Member States. However, the full implementation is not a trivial task Main project activities: A.To widely communicate role, status and content of these standards; to provide guidance on the implementation B.To collect comments and good practice examples from Member States aiming to remove obstacles C.To prepare recommendations to CEN for a “second generation” of standards on the integrated energy performance of buildings

slide 4 Brief introduction A brief introduction to the CENSE project and the CEN- EPBD standards is provided in a separate presentation:

slide 5 More information More information and downloads: Disclaimer: CENSE has received funding from the Community’s Intelligent Energy Europe programme under the contract EIE/07/069/SI The content of this presentation reflects the authors view. The author(s) and the European Commission are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Moreover, because this is an interim result of the project: any conclusions are only preliminary and may change in the course of the project based on further feedback from the contributors, additional collected information and/or increased insight.

slide 6 Background Why a methodology of the integrated energy performance? Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) article 3 Methodology calculating the integrated energy performance of buildings Rating: Energy amount shall be reflected in one numeric indicator (article. 7) ( taking into account insulation, tech. installation characteristics, etc.) Interactions between different energy services (e.g. heating, cooling, lighting) Why European standards ? Make possible to coordinate the various measures for energy efficiency in buildings between the Member States Increase the accessibility, transparency and objectivity of the assessment Avoid new trade barriers Adopt the same structure - starting point for building code coordination Mandate 343 to CEN

slide 7 Starting point of convergence Adopt the same overall calculation structure Structure could be gradually be filled in at national level - CEN standards (national annexe) - national standards or methods General calculation structure is defined in EN “ Overall energy use and definition of energy ratings”

slide 8 Modular structure of CEN Standards Energy needs Energy use Product characteristics EN From product standards to overall energy use Product is not longer evaluated as a product but as part of a system Maintain the links between product testing and system evaluation Definition of the energy uses (heating, cooling, lighting, etc.) Definition of the boundaries conditions (parking, energy flows, calculation periods)

slide 9 Basic steps Calculation direction from needs to source (from the energy needs to the primary energy). Energy can be imported or exported (different weightings) Electrical uses and thermal uses are considered separately inside the building boundary. Inside the system boundary the system losses are taken into account explicitly, Outside the system boundary they are taken into account in the conversion factor (e.g. district heating).

slide 10 Building energy needs C1 C2 C3 C4 HeatingCooling Domestic hot water sensible heat latent heat sensible heat latent heat L1 Building heat gains and recoverable thermal losses a) - -- L2 Building thermal transfers --- L3 Building thermal needs Not taken into account in this example 2100 a): if applicable Table 4 - EN Table 1: Building energy needs (example table 4/EN 15603, values in kWh/a) Annual values calculated by : -simplified methods (e.g. monthly calculation step) -detailed methods (e.g. hourly calcualtion step)

slide 11 Technical building systems without building generation devices Type of domestic hot water distribution System thermal losses (kWh/m 2 a) Recoverable system thermal loss (kWh/m 2 a) Electrica l energy (kWh/m 2 a) Collective with circulation 22,650,01,4 Alternatives, e.g.: Collect. without circulation 10,83,70 Individual3,82,00 Type of ventilation distribution System thermal losses (kWh/m 2 a) Electrical energy (kWh/m 2 a) Mechanical ventilation system – not balanced 0,04,0 Alternatives, e.g.: Mechanical ventilation system – balanced (heat recovery eff. >60%) - inside thermal insulation0, outside thermal insulation4,36.0 Table 2a: Example: DHW distribution: system thermal losses, recoverable system thermal loss, electrical energy, energy per m 2 floor area. Table 2b: Example: ventilation distribution system thermal losses, electrical energy energy per m 2 floor area.

slide 12 Technical building systems without building generation devices Table 5 - EN C1C2C3 C4C5 HeatingCool. Domestic Hot water VentilationLighting Electrical energy (1,4x100) 400 (4,0x100) Not taken into account in this example System thermal losses (22,65x100) 0 Not taken into account in this example Recoverable system thermal losses Thermal input distribution ( ( ) Table 3: System thermal losses and auxiliary energy without generation (example table 5/EN 15603, values in kWh/a) Based on these examples for a building with 100 m 2 with: a collective DHW system with circulation; a non balanced mech. ventilation system; a heating system with distribution losses amounting e.g kWh; table 5/EN 15603; can be completed like follows.

slide 13 Energy generation systems Table 6 - EN Following the physical structure of heating systems, the heat input to the distribution system is dispatched, according to the system design, to the different energy generation systems and/or the energy supplied directly from outside the building C1C2C3 Type of generatorLT Gas boiler Solar panel Grid electr. Distribution systems suppliedHeating /DHWDHW L8Thermal output ( ) L9Auxiliary energy (*)80 - L10 System (generator) thermal losses 3734 L11 Recoverable system thermal losses L12Energy input L13Electricity production L14Energy carriergassolarelectricity (*): for the generator Table 4: Energy generation system (example table 6 EN 15603, values in kWh/a)

slide 14 Calculation of ratings (weighted energy ratings) Table E1 - EN annex E Informative values Primary energy factors f P CO 2 production coefficient K Non- renewable Total[kg/MWh] Fuel oil Gas Anthracite Wood shavings Electricity from hydraulic power plant Electricity Mix Table 5: Informative Primary energy factors and CO 2 coefficients in EN (extract) According to EN the aggregation methods are based on: Primary energy; Production of carbon dioxide; A parameter defined by national energy policy. Cost is a parameter that may be used in the energy policy aggregation method.

slide 15 Calculation of ratings (weighted energy ratings) Table 8 - EN RowC1C2C3 Delivered energy GasSolarElectricity L1Energy delivered (unweighted) L2Weighting factor or coefficient1,3603,14 L3Weighted delivered energy or CO Exported energy thermalelectrical L4Energy exported (unweighted) L5Weighting factor L6Weighted exported energy or CO20 L7Rating ( ) Table 6: Calculation of ratings (example table 8/EN 15603, values in kWh/a)

slide 16 Example of complete system calculation flow First step: building needs Gains and losses of the building are taken into account here First step: building needs Gains and losses of the building are taken into account here Second step : Technical systems without generation. The basic principle in each “box” is input = output + losses - recov. aux. (auxiliary energy recovery not shown) Each “box” can be calculated by national, EN, detailed or simplified method, provided the I/O are the same Second step : Technical systems without generation. The basic principle in each “box” is input = output + losses - recov. aux. (auxiliary energy recovery not shown) Each “box” can be calculated by national, EN, detailed or simplified method, provided the I/O are the same

slide 17 Example of complete system calculation flow Third step: generation dispatch Required distribution outputs are distributed to the available generators First solar: required output for dhw is 725 kWh, the solar panels can give 400 kWh Then boiler: 3711 kWh = ( ) kWh Third step: generation dispatch Required distribution outputs are distributed to the available generators First solar: required output for dhw is 725 kWh, the solar panels can give 400 kWh Then boiler: 3711 kWh = ( ) kWh System calculation result: Energy use (input to generators) by energy carrier System calculation result: Energy use (input to generators) by energy carrier

slide 18 Example of complete system calculation flow Fifth step: weighting and getting the overall energy performance Fifth step: weighting and getting the overall energy performance Sixth step: getting other results like heating system performance distributing the overall energy performance to services i.e. how much is primary energy for DHW? And how much for heating zone 1 and 2? Sixth step: getting other results like heating system performance distributing the overall energy performance to services i.e. how much is primary energy for DHW? And how much for heating zone 1 and 2?

slide 19 Reporting Table 9 - EN Building thermal needs (without techn. build. systems) Technical building system performance (thermal system losses- recovered losses) Energy delivered (content of energy carriers ) Energy rating (Weighted Energy carriers) Heating: Hot water: 2100 Cooling: - Heat (H+W): 8019 ( ) Cooling: Electricity *): Heat auxiliary 490 ( ) Cooling auxiliary Lighting Ventilation 400 Gas Oil Electricity 890 District heating Etc. Gas Electricity 2794 Energy exported (Unweighted energy carriers) Thermal: Renewable energy produced on site Thermal 1130 Electrical *) includes electricity for ventilation, lighting and the auxiliary energy for thermal systems; does not include electricity for heating, cooling, DHW, humidification and dehumidification. Table 7: Reporting overall energy use (example table 9 EN 15603, values in kWh/a) resumes main parameters influencing the building energy performance should be respected by national regulations

slide 20 Links between Building codes and EN Building thermal needs (without techn. build. syst) Technical systems (system losses) Energy delivered (energy carriers) Energy rating (weighted) Example: Association of minimum energy requirements and one global requirement Minimum energy requirement on Building thermal needs Example: < 50 kWh/m2a Minimum energy requirement on Delivered energy Example:<100 kWh/m2a General frame EN Building codes requirements (Member states) Global energy requirement on Energy rating Example:<120 kWh/m2a (less then sum of min.req.)

slide 21 Conclusion and Outlook CEN worked out a complete, consistent and flexible approach, from the product standard to the overall energy use EN is the top standard of this approach defining the whole structure Reporting according EN underlines the strong and weak points in the overall energy use of a building Adopting EN in national building regulation is the first step towards an European calculation method

slide 22 More information More information and downloads: Disclaimer: CENSE has received funding from the Community’s Intelligent Energy Europe programme under the contract EIE/07/069/SI The content of this presentation reflects the authors view. The author(s) and the European Commission are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Moreover, because this is an interim result of the project: any conclusions are only preliminary and may change in the course of the project based on further feedback from the contributors, additional collected information and/or increased insight.