e-Project Based Service Learning A Novel On-line Educational System Philip J. Scarpelli, Florida Department of Children and Families, Central Region Patrick T. Grady, Today and Tomorrow Enterprises, Inc. Dr. Michael Zelin, Choose Support, LLC
Outline 1. Background 2. e-Project Based Service Learning 3. Specifc examples 4. FCCLA pilot program 5. Conclusions
Background: What is it? e-Project Based Service Learning, a novel educational online system - post online homework, special projects, etc. - help good-cause projects to spread the word & raise support
Project Based Service Learning Learners' Needs Addressed 1. Improved learning outcomes & showcasing of student work - free e-portfolios 2. Student collaboration - interaction on individual and team level 3. Service learning - support of non-profit organizations - help to learn to other students 4. Novel reward mechanisms - advertisements, sponsor links, licensing fees
Instructors' Needs Addressed 1. Engage students in learning 2. Provide online learning resources 3. Raise support for your projects - sponsor links are added to student pages times lower cost for online advertising
e-Project Based Learning Students post work online & collaborate - Math students post home assignments - Art students add art - Music students add music
e-Service Learning Links of non-profits or their sponsors are added - spread the word about good cause projects - raise support & help sponsors to save on online advertising
Examples: Literature, Arts, Music Students create super-masterpieces combining existing masterpieces Students choose pieces from databases of Art, Literature, and Music
Examples: Math Peer rating & online contests - engage students in learning through online competitions - start your own contest & invite partners Sound Math poster competition: - students add music - learn Math - get rewards
Examples: Languages Can be applied to any language - use of music, poetry facilitates learning Text in English and Russian or Spanish posted side-by-side helps to learn languages English Russia n Link to the Russian video English & Spanish texts
Examples: Food Science Compositions for the Catering Class - phase II: music students add their music pieces See more examples for: Physics, Biology, and other subjectsmore examples Any grade, level, language
Pilot Project: FCCLA Gallery Goal: leverage student work & raise support
Pilot Project: FCCLA Gallery FACTS gallery – Post e-posters on safe driving – Post your FACTS projects – see examples -
Pilot Project: FCCLA Gallery Leadership Service in Action gallery – Post learning assignments: homework & projects – Post your Leadership Service in Action projects – see examples -
Pilot Project: FCCLA Gallery Students Taking On Prevention (STOP) the Violence gallery – Post e-posters – Post your STOP projects – see examples –
Learn Playing Educational game - Level I – puzzle together existing pieces - Level II – incorporate own pieces - Level III - Reality Game Game of Beads - after 'The Glass Bead Game' by Hermann Hesse, the Nobel Prize winner, 1946
Summary E-Project Based Service Learning system provides: 1. Hands-on learning & showcasing of student work 2. Student collaboration & novel reward mechanisms 3. Support for educational projects 4. Support for good-cause projects Proposal - conduct a small scale pilot project - sponsor support is provided Any Questions? Contact: