DEWG/SDAWG Meeting Summary Report to COPS 11/11/2008
Update DEWG Meeting 10/20/2008 Standard Updates Discussed the Data Extracts and Reports Issue Events for September and early October September issues centered around high data volume issues due to Hurricane Ike October issues were primarily delays in certain extracts, root cause centered around the Lodestar upgrade
Update DEWG Meeting 10/20/2008 ERCOT Stabilization Effort DEWG remains concerned about the existing issues with delivery of and integrity of data extracts and reports With the delay in Nodal, existing systems must be maintained until Nodal solutions implemented ERCOT summarizes that data storage options remain the most feasible options for stabilizing the Extract and Report environment Current project list for 2009 is not clear on what initiatives will be targeting this stabilization concern
Update DEWG Meeting 10/20/2008 Service Level Agreement The Data Extract and Report SLA and Retail SLA contain many similar details within each document RMS recommended combining the two to avoid confusion and any future contradictions ERCOT staff will put together a draft of the two documents combined for review at DEWG/SDAWG and RMS
Update DEWG Meeting 10/20/2008 EILS Settlement Issue Concern around the language and interpretation of the settlement cost allocation of EILS Issue centers around which Load Ratio Share version to use at settlement Consensus around using the most recent cut or channel 4 cut as opposed to using channel 1 cut for better load accuracy Determined the following: New PRR will be drafted to address using the most current load No need to incorporate into current PRR on self provision as current language allows for entity to dispute ERCOT intends to settle next contract period with most recent LRS ERCOT staff to draft new PRR language for consideration
Update DEWG Meeting 10/20/2008 Mismatched Schedules when ERCOT drops schedule Mismatches that are created by a systematic errors create settlement issues with varies market participants Mismatch settlement process from MP to MP is very cumbersome requiring significant time and effort to reconcile When system errors cause a mismatch, market would like better communication so that MP to MP reconciliation and settlement can be streamlined Will discuss certain examples at next meeting
Update DEWG Meeting 10/20/2008 UFE and Hurricane Ike Calvin Opheim delivered a presentation on Hurricane Ike and the impact on UFE before and after landfall Prior to Ike coming ashore, UFE begins to go negative, assumed that much of the industrial load is coming off in preparation After landfall significant negative UFE UFE impact post Hurricane period (beginning near October 1 lasting through October 23) higher than normal (as high as 10%) with a positive bias.
Next Meeting 11/17/2008 Standard reports on Extract and Report Issues Standard Nodal COMS update No update in October due to staffing constraints Follow up EILS Load Allocation Discussion on Mismatched Schedules that are dropped Recorder Extract (REC) Other items as assigned by COPS