Majmaah University College of Education, English Department Presenter: Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad
RSS Rich Site Summary Really Simple Syndication Web feed RSS feeds enable publishers to syndicate data automatically A standard XML file format ensures compatibility with many different machines/programs Easy download
What is podcasting? Podcasting combines the words “iPod” and “Broadcasting” A means of publishing audio program via Internet Users can automatically download podcasts (usually mp3 file) They can transfer these recordings automatically to portable devices like iPods They can listen to the files anytime anywhere There are also video podcasts (vidcasts) and Photo podcasts (photocasts) The definition of podcasting is evolving
Podcasting and English Learning Very interesting for English learners A means of “authentic” listening You can find any subject of your interest Teachers can use podcasts for listening comprehension exercises A means of generating conversation on students’ reaction to podcasts Diverse listening material for each student Reading and listening simultaneously Participation in blogs and feedback – involving writing skill Learners are exposed to various accents
Podcasting Subscription/Contribution Users subscribe to a feed using a program The most popular program is iTunes Another program is iPodder Useful for recording teacher’s lesson or a student conversation Students can use podcasts to interview each other They can hold debates and podcast them Students can read their own essays and stories They can record and broadcast guests speakers
Tools to Record Audio for Podcasting Audacity: Most common, free download, easy to use Sound Cloud: You can record on live on SoundCloud website Vocaroo: A quick online recording option. Recording can also be download for future use. Useful in a classroom Voice Thread: online presentation platform. A great digital storytelling tool (, very useful of teachers and students Skype recorder: This can also be used for podcast recroding
Podcasts integration into classroom Using podcasts in the classroom Making podcasts in the classroom
Podcasting for English Learners and Teachers English Feed: This podcast focuses on important grammar and vocabulary subjects The Word Nerds: Very professional, useful for advanced level English learners English Teacher John Show Podcast: Understandable English speaking in an extremely clear voice, ideal for intermediate level learners ESL Pod: Dedicated for ESL learning, includes advanced vocabulary, useful for academic purpose classes, clear and natural pronunciation Podcasting for ELT: A station or EFL/ESL educators interested in podcasting
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