1 Projecting a professional image – help for ECS students Career Destinations, Bldg Diana Fitch 9 – 5.30 Mon-Fri (Wed )
2 Today Introduce Career Destinations Who we are Where we are How we can help Employability What it means for you now Employability tutorials CV workshops
3 First Years : Introducing Career Destinations Careers information –Job sectors –Summer options –Recruitment process –Part-time work Appointments for guidance and CVs Careers Events Calendar Stand out from the crowd –Volunteering, Mentoring> > > > –ECSS, sport, etc> > > > Graduate Passport Ensure you stand out from the crowd
4 Find out more
5 Career Destinations
6 Career Destinations
7 Graduate Employability “A set of achievements Skills, Understanding Personal attributes That make an individual more likely to gain employment and be fulfilled in their chosen occupations.”
8 What do employers want? A good degree Someone who has got involved Work Experience – “the missing ingredient in undergraduate education” Someone who has thought about what they have to offer Someone who has focus NB! These will also give YOU the EVIDENCE that you need for a good CV
9 IT, Science & Engineering Careers Fair Detica Dstl Factset CapGemini IBM Symantec Bloomberg Customer Systems Selex Galileo NDS True Clarity American Express Deutsche Bank October 21 st - Garden Court (near SU)
10 The changing world of work Globalisation24/7languages The power of the customer Flatter structures Multi-skilling and re-skilling of the workforce Change is the only constant Uncertainty and volatility Technology
11 E-skills bulletin Q Year into the slump in demand for IT/Telecoms staff – unemployment for ICT staff at its highest for 5 years Quarterly decline of 27% in press/web job adverts (largest single decline)Adverts for ICT contractors were 11% down Q Q1.08 Shortages most likely in Systems Development, IT/Telecoms Management, Programming and Systems Design BUT Number of ICT staff in work was 4% higher for first quarter 2009 (over same qtr 2008) and compared with 1% fall in general workforce Actual pay was up 4% on same quarter previous year too 15,000 staff worried about redundancy – actually only 7000 made redundant ICAEW report slightly improving confidence in the IT sector compared to economy as a whole Not brilliant but in general more resilient than economy as a whole currently ECS Graduate pay?£14,000 - £40,000 (£12,000 - £40,000)
12 Employability Skills technical competency; knowledge of various applications; enthusiasm and knowledge of project lifecycles; analytical and problem-solving skills; attention to detail, even in pressurised situations as deadlines approach; a logical mind; numeracy (aptitude tests are an integral part of the application process); knowledge of the sector that you would like work in e.g. finance or business; good interpersonal and communication skills; Anxiety about writing and literacy skills, leadership skills soft skills particularly communication, problem solving, managing own learning and being self-motivated Prospects.ac.uk 2009 AGR 2008 Survey Software Engineer ability to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues and senior management; ability to learn new skills and technologies fast; career motivation and a willingness to continue to further your knowledge and skills; an awareness of current issues affecting the industry and its technologies.