Perkins End of Year Evaluation
Perkins funding made a difference at our college by: Assisting with the enrollment, retention, career development, and job placement of students into career and technical education pathways in collaboration with secondary schools and industry partners. Providing faculty release time from instruction to redesign or modify curricula for initiation of new health sciences program(s): Health Information Technology begins Fall Providing tuition, tools, childcare, supplies, and transportation to students training in nontraditional vocational/technical programs of study coupled with individual counseling, career guidance, and participation in workshops to ensure student success.
Our college’s best practice using Perkins funds is: All Aspects of Industry Central Carolina Works Coordinator: New Machining Apprenticeship program CAT Apprenticeship program New Welding Apprenticeship program coming in
Our College Perkins Team: NameTitle Phone Dr. Brian S. MerrittVP of Student Learning/CAO Tamara JoynerDirector of Finance/Controller Patrick KellyCC Works Ken HoyleVP of Student Wrenn CroweCTE Outreach
1. We strengthened the academic, career and technical skills of our students by: Central Carolina Works program initiated as a local CTE-focused initiative to promote CTE pathways for high school students Increased the number of CTE CCP focused pathways in Click here to view Click here
2. We linked career and technical education at the secondary level with career and technical education at the postsecondary level: Career Development Specialist, Career & Technical Ed. Programs Coordinates on-campus recruiting events with local industry, job placement assistance, career development activities, and resume assistance, etc.
3. We provided students with strong experience in, and understanding of all aspects of an industry by: Employing a Career & Technical Education Outreach/Recruitment Specialist Examples: High-Tech, High-Touch Workshops Fun with Lasers Service Learning: PALS High-Tech, High-Touch Workshops Fun with Lasers Service Learning: PALS
4. We developed, improved, or expanded the use of technology in career and technical education by: Redesigned faculty training: TRIO SSS/SSS STEM/Health Sciences: Includes tutoring in math and sciences, and a formalized mentoring program
5. We provided professional development by: Great Teaching & Learning Day – March 23 Faculty professional development day Agenda available Central Carolina Works Summer Symposium June 23-24: Two-day workshop for secondary educators to engage them with CTE programs and local industry. Full details
6. We developed and implemented evaluations of our career and technical education programs by: Enrolled Student Survey Aspen Institute results
7. We Initiated, improved, expanded, and modernized quality career and technical education programs, including relevant technology by: A number of new CTE programs begin in Fall 2016 due to local demand. Start-up of Health Information Technology was supplemented by Perkins. HIT was the top in- demand need by our local healthcare employers on a recent survey conducted by CCCC. More herehere
8. We provided services and activities that are of sufficient size, scope, and quality to be effective as evidenced by: Employer Survey results 78 responses by local industry partners 43 active on CCCC Advisory Board members for one or more CTE programs
9. We provided activities to prepare special populations students who are enrolled in CTE courses by: Special Programs Office
Closing Thoughts Look forward to future success of Welding apprenticeship Expansion of CTE pathways for CCP students and the addition of our CC Works advisors in the high schools should continue to create more seamless pathways Looking forward to strengthening our performance on 4P1 with new CTE programs and further analysis of industry-based credentialing. Will also be analyzing our effectiveness with 5P1 and our sex equity program Thank you!