Why Can’t We Work as a Real Team? By: Fred Butler, Johnnie Jones, Nicholas Campbell, Ricelys Carrasquero, Sarah Teske 1
Company’s Structure 2 Cristal Motor (Charlie Ventura) Sales Service Departament (Marcie Magellan) Office Sector (Credit Department: Rob Waters) Team Green Team Blue Team Red Team Orange Team Purple
What different contributions might Ventura and Magellan make in enhancing teamwork in the service department? Ventura is especially interested in his profit not his employees He recognizes that their poor cooperation has resulted in lost opportunities to generate revenues from repairs
Issue Each person works alone. They do not communicate. They do not assume their responsibilities. They prefer to blame other people for failing to act, instead of taking action and assuming leadership in the situation.
Establish clear Policies (Ventura) Establish specifics goals as individuals and as a team Emphasize Group Recognition and Rewards Practicing Open-Book Management Invest in Technology that Enhances Teamwork when it is necessary Emphasis building, keeping, and working as one team.
Magellan’s Contributions Be more involved in the work of her team members. She must be active and integrated with them. She has to change and be an example by fitting in and motivating through communication and active participation among her workers. She must encourage teamwork. She might establish an internal departmental award for the team members who accomplish their work with high- performance.
A Pit Crew as an Effective Team A Pit Crew is made up of 8 members in NASCAR Such a Vital Job that Pit Crews prepare Before, During, and After the Race High Demand for Accuracy, Speed, and Expertise All Members of the Pit Crew have Specific Tasks and Roles Work Synchronized or results could be Fatal
A Pit Crew as an Effective Team Giddon (2004), indicates that communication is the element that acts as the glue for all teams. Effective Communication between Pit Crew and Driver Speed of Communication is also very Important In order for a pit crew to be an effective team, the chief must build the crew, promote teamwork, plan tasks according to each members strengths, communicate, train, motivate the team, and analyze the work (Giddons, 2004). Pit Crews are such a great example of effective teamwork that many large organizations have sent their managers to Pit Crew Training.
The Service Department Best Chance of increasing Profit Margins Crystal Motor’s Service Department is divided into teams Experiencing Inefficiencies No cooperation No clear/defined responsibilities Poor communication Do not have reliable workers
What Can The Team Leaders Do? Team leaders need to conduct an Evaluation on their Technicians and General Workers Why? Ensure they have assembled the right members for the team Reliable Properly Skilled/Trained Who take pride in being there
Define The Mission Come up with a starting point for the teams. Key practice of having an effective team Have Everyone one the same page Clear defined statement explaining goals/principles to employees Explain “Why are we doing this”. Make them feel proud of what their bringing to the table. Binds Teams Together
Encourage Competition Within the groups Team leaders should encourage friendly rivalry/competition with reward incentives. Show employees the importance of Teamwork Produce better performance of each individual employee Reduce the amount of inefficiencies in the sub groups Increase profit margins of the Service Department Studies showed that the respondents indicated that their “competitive experiences contributed to task effectiveness, personal benefits (such as social support, learning, and self-efficacy), strong positive relationships, enjoyment of the experience, desire to participate, motivation to take on challenging projects in the future, confidence in working collaboratively with competitors in the future, and commitment to continue working for the organization”
References Caldeira, E. (1997). How a written mission statement helps employees and the company. Professional Builder, 62(10), 32. Dubrin, A. J. (2010). Leadership. Research findings, Practice, and Skills. Mason, USA: Jack Calhoun. Giddons, D. (2004). The pit crew. Cranes Today, 352, pp. 25. ProQuest Business Collections Prospero, M. (2004). In Indy’s pits, it’s more than speed. Fast Company, 85, pp. 26, Proquest Business Collections. Strategic Leadership and Knowledge Management. Webuploadcontent.next.ecollege.com/CurrentCourse/WebUploads. Retrieved10/13/2014 Tjosvold, D., Johnson, D. W., Johnson, R. T., & Sun, H. (2003). Can interpersonal competition be constructive within organizations? The Journal of Psychology, 137(1),