Vision 2020 Quality Schools in Every Neighborhood: Report on Closing the Achievement Gap (LCAP Goal 1) FOCUSING ON READING AND READERS April 12, 2016
DRA Performance Cycles 1 and 2 Percent of 1 st and 3 rd Grade Students Meeting or Exceeding Grade Level Standards Two-Year Comparison The percentage of students reading at or above grade level has improved. 3
DRA Performance Cycles 1 and 2 Percent of TK-Grade 3 Students Meeting or Exceeding Grade Level Standards by Student Group Students across subgroups are performing better this year. 4
ELEMENTARY Writing Units of Study Reading Units of Study Rime Magic Pilot RELY Resources Professional Development 8
SECONDARY Common Reading Assessments Reading Intervention Courses Interventions in Students’ Day English Language Arts Curricula RELY Resources Professional Development 9
FIVE LEVERAGE POINTS TO SUPPORT READING AND READERS 1.Content and Pedagogical Knowledge 2.Formative Assessment, Analysis, Action 3.Intervention Strategies and Processes 4.Strategic Use of Time 5.Coherent Leadership 11
1. BUILD LITERACY CONTENT AND PEDAGOGICAL KNOWLEDGE TO IMPROVE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT ACROSS SUBJECT AREAS. Reading process Reading development Assessment and analysis Reading strategies Comprehension strategies Problem-solving Academic language and collaborative conversations Fluency Instructional approaches Intervention and monitoring strategies Standards and grade level expectations Writing 12
2. PROVIDE SUPPORTS AND SERVICES FOR SITE- DRIVEN, FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS. ElementarySecondary Running Records (TK-5) Analyzing Student Writing Case study protocols Strategic conferring Gates-McGinitie Informal Reading Inventory Analyzing student writing Unit assessments Strategic conferring 13
3. SUPPORT AND MONITOR AT-RISK LEARNERS EARLY, STRATEGICALLY, AND PERSISTENTLY. ElementarySecondary Professional learning for all teachers A focus on best first teaching and strong early learning Case study protocols focused on at-risk learners Reading specialists who can build system capacity around strategic interventions that work Professional learning for all teachers A focus on best first teaching and strong literacy instruction across content areas Intervention strategies in place during the student’s school day Reading specialists who can build system capacity around strategic interventions that work 14
4. MAXIMIZE TIME FOR QUALITY TEACHING AND LEARNING. Site LevelDistrict Level Student-centered master schedules Well-designed instructional schedules Uninterrupted time for authentic reading and writing Protected instructional time Time for assessment Time for Tier 2 and 3 intervention Time for teacher collaboration/study/observation Time for leaders to learn Time for data analysis Time to develop a year-long, bold action plan Time to monitor this action plan Time to align resources Time for reflection and revision 15
5. BUILD A COMMON VISION AND COMMUNICATE THIS VISION THROUGH A STRONG LEADERSHIP VOICE. Align systems and structures alongside a common district focus. Integrate literacy within and across the four learning cycles. Establish clear, strong communication about this work across all levels of learning. 16
SIX ACTION ITEMS 1.Principal Institutes: Adding a lens on effective literacy instruction 2.Half-Day Conferences: Building principal and lead teachers’ content and pedagogical knowledge 3.Cluster-Wide Professional Study: Focusing on access to effective literacy instruction 4.Area Superintendent Monitoring: Working alongside principals and teachers to monitor student learning 5.School Walk-Throughs: Differentiating supports and resources based on student need 6.Cluster-Wide Monitoring Meetings: Keeping a sharp eye on student learning, highlighting success, and strategizing class, grade level, and cluster improvement 17