International business dealings (other important issues)
Power, role and status In Australia and other industrialised nations, it is usual practice for men and women to work alongside one another, performing similar jobs. However, this is unacceptable in some cultures in which a woman would not work alongside a man unless he was her husband. A successful female executive used to leading business negotiations at strategically high levels for her organisation may need to relinquish her leadership role in favour of a male executive—even one of a lower rank— when transacting international business in some countries. This is because of the way certain cultures conceptualise the role of women in business and society. What do you think of this???
Appointments Have a go at the Action Task on page 108 now
Business Appointments Most people in Australia try to arrive at appointments slightly ahead of time. If kept waiting too long, people feel insulted and angry, and may even cancel the appointment. However, in Latin America, being late to an appointment is not uncommon and in France, appointments change as conditions change, making long-term planning difficult. In the Middle East, Muslims pray five times a day either in mosques, offices or at home, and on Fridays, males must attend congregational prayers. Appointments must therefore be planned around prayer times.
Business meetings In Australia, it is common to schedule set times for meetings, such as 9–10 am, and circulate agenda items prior to the meeting so that attendees know exactly what is to be discussed. These types of meetings are scheduled at all times throughout the day, from early morning through to late afternoon, and it is not unusual for some meetings to start or finish late.
Business meetings (cont’d) However the Germans and British are very strict about their meeting protocols, including start time, points of discussion and finishing time While in the Middle East meetings are often described as chaotic, with issues being raised by anyone at any time, with no structured agenda or expected outcomes.
Decision-making protocols Generally, Australians prefer to negotiate agreements and sign contracts in the knowledge that there is recourse to law for justice should an agreement be broken. Other cultures, such as the Middle Eastern cultures, place more significance and value on someone’s word, which is considered a direct reflection upon their honour—contracts, therefore, are not considered legal, binding agreements but rather a means of gaining shared understanding of how business is to be transacted. Individualism is valued in some cultures and many Western managers are frequently given the authority to negotiate directly with foreign counterparts, signing contracts and sealing business deals.
However, in Japan and China, for example, the group process is more important than the individual because decisions are made collectively, as opposed to individually. In Brazil, a well-connected facilitator is usually needed to make things happen in business, with an inclination for long-term relationships and commitments to exist before any agreements can be reached. This is also true in China, where a business intermediary who understands the legal system and business networks is seen as an essential component when trying to build business relationships.
Questions In a well set out paragraph compare the differences that exist between Business Appointments Business Meetings Decision Making Protocols Ensure you comment on any similarities each of these may have to each other in your response