NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) The Voice of Nursing Community of Practice Forum Pam Jensen, NPCS Senior Project Manager NCAL – Vacaville Medical Center Presenters: Kim Menzel, CNE, COO Cherie Stagg, MCH Service Director June 16, 2016
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Voice of Nursing Community of Practice Forum Monthly interactive forum for Kaiser Permanente teams, facilities and/or regions to share their on-going activities, best practices and challenges to: Embed the Kaiser Permanente Nursing Vision, Values, and Professional Practice Model Drive nursing professional practice goals Improve patient outcomes Learn from others, get new innovative ideas, identify potential obstacles to speed and spread your own process Today’s forum will be recorded. This information will be posted on the Nursing Pathways website. To minimize noise, please put yourself on mute during the presentations. Do not place the call on hold.
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) The Voice of Nursing Community of Practice Forums (CoP) Forums NCAL - Vacaville June 16 th, 2016 Kim Menzel, CNE/COO, Elizabeth Bigby, DCEPI & Cherie Stagg, MCH Services Director
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Our Team Vacaville Voice Of Nursing Leadership Team 4 NameVON Role Jonathan Pulido Joseph Camp-Bell Kim Menzel Elizabeth Bigby Cherie Stagg Karrie Powell Randall Rentschler Brandon Pace *Lilly Brown *Michelle Bushong Infrastructure Education Executive Sponsor Project Lead Evidence / Evaluation Infrastructure Inspiration Education *not pictured
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Voice of Nursing Current Work Coming Soon: Posters Advancing Art and Science of Nursing First Poster Completed and Being Distributed to units. 5
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Voice of Nursing Current Work Weekly Socialization Inspirational Quotes to Nursing Leadership by Nursing Leadership 6
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Voice of Nursing Current Work Front Line Leader VON Orientation & Engagement Session 7 Goals of the Day: VON Orientation Connection to Work Already Being Done Create Action Plans for Each
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Voice of Nursing Current Work “Happiness Advantage” by Shawn Actor presented to Front Line Nurses at the Nurse Quality Forum May
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Voice of Nursing Current Work Department Quality Councils 9 Post Anesthesia Care Unit – Department Quality Council The Department Quality Council addresses department issues through collaboration among the team members and the frontline staff. -Improve the quality and safety of patient care -Identify safety issues in the work environment -Identify barriers and gaps in patient care. Develop, design, implement solutions and monitor processes to ensure their effectiveness and consistency -Review and evaluate team performance Family Birth Center – CARE Day The CARE Day Interdisciplinary Council addresses quality care issues by supporting nurses and other frontline staff to develop interventions, design new processes, and adapt ideas from others that improve care. It is a group that collaborates to ensure exceptional, safe and quality obstetric and newborn care across the continuum. C = Care Experience and Patient Family Centeredness. A = Accountability (review of practices and accountable to team and patient needs). R = Reliability (quality drivers – breast feeding / Workplace Safety). E = Excellence and Empowerment of team. Other Service Lines Coming Soon……..
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Voice of Nursing Current Work “Oh the Places You’ll Go..” Nurse Leader Off-Site Connecting Care Experience & Professional Practice 10
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Voice of Nursing Current Work Assistant Nurse Manager Development Actions: Implemented AONE ANM Competencies Developed Robust Orientation Process for all new ANMs Held Open Forums with ANMs and CNE Monthly ANMs Role Model the Professional Practice of Nursing Results: Decreased Turnover Increased ability to recruit and fill vacancies 11
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) 12 Performance Improvements Care Experience VON 1 st Leader Kick-Off VON Leader Reset
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Performance Improvements 13 Care Experience VON 1 st Leader Kick-Off
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) 14 Performance Improvements C-Diff Process Changes and Successes
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Voice of Nursing Toolkit Is your site using the VON Toolkit on the KP Nursing Pathways website? All leaders are connected to the toolkit. signatures for socialization PowerPoint - Orientation to the Nursing Vision, Values, and Professional Practice Model Brochures avail on units. 15
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) What We Have Learned…. Connect to Work Already in Process Don’t make it about “one more thing to do” connect to the work already being done. Do Not Recreate the Wheel…Don’t make it harder than it really is! Nurses truly believe in professionalism and honoring the “Voice of Nursing” Don’t forget to connect to the “why” - our patients- our families-our teams Providers need to be included. Use Unit Based Quality teams to lead the work. Build on your recognition programs as you grow. Connect to the Data Already Being Measured Use the resources you already have! HCAHPS Quality Dashboards (C-Diff, HAPU, CAUTI, etc) People Pulse 16
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) What We Need Help With… Ideas on How to Keep It Moving? How do other facilities navigate morale negativity and still honor professional practice of Nursing? What team building ideas and morale boosters have other facilities done to build relationships both inside the facility and outside? 17
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Voice of Nursing Toolkit 19 KP Nursing Pathways Website The Voice of Nursing Toolkit is on the KP Nursing Pathways Website and has a vast amount of tools for sites/regions. The Voice of Nursing Toolkit continues to grow…
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) How to Open the Voice of Nursing Toolkit Go to KP Nursing Website Click Nursing Strategy (top brown bar) Go to the Voice of Nursing Toolkit Login with user name and password If you attended a VON 1.0 Workshop a user name and password was ed to you. Please contact if you are require a user name/password to be sent to 20
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Voice of Nursing Toolkit 21 Action Plan and Timeline Acts with Compassion ANA Code of Ethics Behavior Interview Tools Bookmarks Brochure Communication Plan Template Gap Analysis Hardwiring Hard Stuff Infograph KP Nurse Branding Positioning KP Nursing Professional Practice: Introduction to the Voice of Nursing Leadership Orientation to VON Nursing Pin Nursing Recognition Orientation to the Nursing Vision, Values, and Professional Practice Model: power points and facilitator guide Facilitator guide for health care workers and support staff Power point for health care team orientation Pre-Post Survey Posters Professional Nursing Practice : An Update Professional Practice Grid Reference Materials Signature Packet SWOT Analysis Thank you cards Wallpaper Whitepaper: 7 Strategies to Maximize Potential Tools located: KP Nursing Pathways Website
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Pre-Post Professional Practice Survey 22 Sample pages 1 & 316 Questions
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Instructions - Pre-Post Survey Professional Practice Pre-Post Professional Practice Survey The pre-survey is used as a baseline to better understand the current state The post-survey validates the understanding of the Vision, Values, and Professional Practice Model Regions/sites can summarize strengths, opportunities, and next steps Regions/sites are encouraged to document gaps and create an action plan SurveyMonkey NPCS has created a Pre-Post Survey in SurveyMonkey for regions/sites to administer NPCS can transfer this “ready to go survey” to any site Please forward your paid SurveyMonkey username to The survey will be completely transferred to your site to collect and analysis results 23
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) The Voice of Nursing – Introduction & White Paper 25 KP Nursing Professional Practice Introduction to the VON KP Nursing Values: Professionalism Patient & Family Centric Compassion Teamwork Excellence Integrity VON White Paper 7 Strategies to Maximize Potential Professional Practice Professional Development Leadership Quality & Safety REBP Workforce Technology & Informatics
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) 26 Signature Block Desktop Wallpaper KP Nursing Pathways Website Thank You Cards
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Voice of Nursing Accountability & Sustainability 27 Action Plan & Timeline (In Toolkit) (30 days post – Site to forward to NPCS) Check-In Call (3 months post – NPCS will contact site and schedule call) Gap Analysis Self-Assessment Tool (In Toolkit) (Due June & December annually) Community of Practice Forums (Bi-monthly CoP Forums) – NPCS will contact the site to schedule Site Visit (Approximately 12 months post – NPCS will contact to schedule) Tools located: KP Nursing Pathways Website