Oh Canada! Royal chairs are rarely throne out Rock the Vote The thief who stole a calendar got 12 months The Blog Quebecois Putting it all together
Canada This document is the law that set outs governance in Canada.
Canada The only Member of Parliament to belong to both the Executive and Legislative branches.
Canada This branch of the federal government includes the Prime Minister & his/her Cabinet.
Canada This branch of the federal government includes all the MPs in the House of Commons.
Canada Although approval of bills is necessary from this upper house of Parliament, it rarely ever rejects them.
Royal Canada’s current Head (or tails) of State.
Royal The Queen’s representative in Canada.
Royal This must be given to a bill before it can officially become a law.
Royal In this type of government, the ability to make laws resides with an elected Parliament, not the Monarch.
Royal One of these is not like the other: Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States.
Elections – 100 In this form of representative democracy, each official represents the same amount of people..
Elections – 200 Members of Parliament must listen to the people who elected them, also known as…
Elections – 300 When one party wins more seats in Parliament than all the other parties combined.
Elections – 400 When opposition parties outnumber the governing party in parliament.
Election – 500 The percentage of votes received by a party throughout the country is known as this.
Judge The highest court in Canada.
Judge The supreme court has _____ judges from Quebec.
Judge The supreme court has _____ judges in total.
Judge The judicial branch has the main responsibility for making sure the _____ of all Canadians are respected.
Judge The _____ court is where you would go to fight a speeding ticket.
Blog Quebecois An opinion based on unchallenged assumptions.
Blog Quebecois Someone hired by a group to influence MPs and government officials.
Blog Quebecois Lobbyists must register with him/her so everyone in Canada knows who they are and who they represent
Blog Quebecois Media messages are created by people who interpret facts and offer their own ______ on an issue.
Blog Quebecois This act introduced rules that require lobbyists to document their activities in parliament.
Put it all together – 100 A topic that well-informed people have different views and perspectives is called…
Putting it all together – 200 Critics of the senate might point to the fact that senators are not currently _______.
Putting it all together – 300 The role of Supreme Court justices is to ______ laws.
Putting it – 400
Putting it – 500
Can Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Can Prime Minister
Can Executive
Can Legislative
Can Senate
Royal Queen Elizabeth II
Royal Governor General
Royal Royal Assent
Royal Constitutional Monarchy
Royal USA
Election – 100 Representation by Population or First Past the Post
Election – 200 Constituent
Election – 300 Majority Government
Election – 400 Minority Government
Election – 500 Popular Vote
Judge Supreme Court of Canada
Judge Rights
Provincial Judge -500
Blog Biased
Blog Lobbyist
Blog Commissioner of Lobbyists
Blog Point of view
Blog Federal Accountability Act (FAA)
Put it all together – 100 Issue
Put – 200 Elected
Put – 300 Interpret
Put – 400 Speaker of the House
Put – 500 Prime Minister