Jerusalem The flower of cities & the land of prophets
Jerusalem has a history of more than 4000 years.
That makes it one of the oldest cities in the world
It is of a great importance to all religions.
The old city is surrounded by walls
The old walled city is a world heritage site
The walls of Jerusalem, a night view A night view of Jerusalem walls
The walls have eleven gates which used to be closed at night.
Each gate has a name
This is Bab Al Amoud, one of Jerusalem gates.
Lots of visitors begin their tour here.
The old houses in Jerusalem has unique designs.
They are built with lime stones taken from the mountains of the city.
This is an old house with wonderful murals.
This is an old street in Jerusalem
The way to the Armenian Museum
You can smell history all around you.
The old street are often narrow and roofed
The old streets of Jerusalem
The old markets in Jerusalem
Each market has a name.
They sell wonderful handmade goods
This is the Dome of the Rock
It is an example of Islamic architecture
A view from inside the Dome of the Rock
A view from inside the mosque
This is a gate to Al Aqsa Mosque
Al Aqsa Mosque
A view from inside AL Aqsa Mosque
The place where Mary the Virgin was born
The statue of the Virgin Mary
Saint Maria Magdalena Church
Saint Maria Church was built on the slopes of the Mount of Olives
A view of the church from the Mount of Olives
Al Markad Church
The British soldiers cemetery in Jerusalem
The British Cemetery
Prophet Zakaria grave
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
It’s is one of the oldest churches in the world
A view from inside the church
From the inside of the Holy Sepulchre
Celebrations at Christmas
This is David Tower
King David Hotel
Old Roman Monuments
The Cave of Tears
The cave of Tears
The Mount of Olives
Gaza Prep ‘A ’ Girls School