Week 2 : 12 May 2015
Sunday Mat 28:2-4, Mark 16:9-11, Luke 24:12, John 20:1- 18 Jesus is resurrected physically from the dead King is dead long live the King OT Prophecy that Jesus would be raised from the dead Ps 16:10, Mat 28:2-7 Mary Magdalene arrives at the tomb John 20:1-2 Peter and John arrive at the garden Luke 24:12 John 20:3-10.
First Resurrection Appearance Mary Magdalene returns to the garden alone John 20:11-18 She stands outside the sepulcher weeping She looks into the tomb – Woman why are you weeping ? – I know not where they laid him She turns around and sees Jesus but mistakes him for the gardener Jesus : Woman why are you weeping ? Whom are you seeking ? Jesus : 1 Do not touch me 2 Go to my brethren John 20:17 Progressive intimacy between Jesus and His disciples – Servants John 13:13, Friends John 15:15….Brethren – Mark 16:9-11, Samaritan Woman John 4:25-26.
Second Resurrection Appearance Mat 28:5-15, Mark 16:2-8, Luke 24:1-11 Woman who stood by him at the cross arrive at the garden, they come with spices ointment to complete his burial They anticipate a problem “Who will roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulcher” They discover the stone has been removed They are greeted by two angels Why seek the living among the dead ? Go quickly and tell his disciples
Second Resurrection Appearance Women are filled with fear Jesus appears to them en route Rejoice, Fear not Women seize Jesus by the feet and worship The disciples discount their unbelievable report as idol tales Sepulcher guards arrive at the Jerusalem temple and report Jesus’ resurrection Chief priests bribe them to lie …
Third Resurrection Appearance Mark 16:12-13, Luke 24: Jesus joins two of his followers on the road to Emmaus they did not recognize him Conversation Jesus rebukes them for their unbelief and expounds the OT messianic passage to them beginning with Moses They invite to lodge with them. When he blessed the bread they recognize him
Third Resurrection Appearance Jesus suddenly vanishes from their sight Couple share their heart experience They return to Jerusalem and tell the disciples that Jesus has walked and talked with them They learn that Christ has also appeared to Peter. What a meeting this must have been. The last time he had seen Christ was when Peter was cursing the Lord.
Fourth Resurrection Appearance Jesus appears to Simon Peter Luke 24:34, 1 Cor 15:5
Fifth Resurrection Appearance Luke 24:36-43, John 20:19-23 By His words Jesus walks through locked doors and appears to ten of his disciples late Sunday night (Judas was dead and Thomas was absent) – Why doubts arise in your hearts? – Behold my hands and feet that it is I myself – Handle me and see spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have We shall have a body like his 1 John 3:2
Fifth Resurrection Appearance Jesus had a body of flesh and bone and so shall we. Not limited by gravity or restricted by time nor will our resurrected bodies be By His deeds He shows them his pierced hands, feet and side He eats a piece boiled fish and some of a honeycomb Jesus breathes on them and imparts to them the Holy Spirit. The disciples were terrified until they recognized Jesus John 20:20, John 12:21, John 20:17
Other Resurrection Appearances 6.Jesus appears to 11 disciples John 20: Jesus appears to 7 disciples John 20: Jesus is worshiped by 11 disciples Mat 28: Jesus meets the disciples in Upper room Luke 24: Jesus meets the disciples at Mount of Olives Luke 24:50-53.