Teaching Grammar Indeed, one may know all the words in a sentence and yet fail to understand it, if one does not see the relationship between the words in the given sentence. No speaking is possible without the knowledge of grammar, without the forming of a grammar mechanism. Grammar is something that produces the sentences of a language. Correct selection of grammar teaching material is the first step towards the elimination of mistakes.
Глагол to be AmWas IsWere Are
Схема образование видо- временных форм английского языка BeV ing Have V 3 Have V 3 Progressive Passive Perfect
Общий вопрос может начинаться с одного из следующих глаголов: HaveShallDoCan HasWillDoesCould HadWouldDidMay AmShouldMight IsMust Are Was Were
Подберите вспомогательные глаголы для построения отрицательных и вопросительных предложений: clean cleansdo clean cleaneddoesclean takedid take takestake tooktake
Общий вопрос к сказуемому, состоящему из одного глагола ► She cleans – Does she clean ► They clean – Do they clean ► We cleaned – Did they clean
Глагол to have смысловой, модальный, вспомогательный ► She has a pen. Does … ? ► She has to do her homework. Does … ? ► She has already bought a book. Has … ?
Вопросительный предложения с глаголом to be ► I am a pupil.Am … ? ► We were pupils.Were … ? ► They are students.Are … ? ► Sam is in the room.Is … ? ► Kate was in Moscow.Was … ?
Общий вопрос к сказуемому, состоящей из 2-х, 3-х и 4-х глаголов ► She has just done her homework. Has… ? ► He is going home now. Is… ? ► We have been doing our homework for three hours. Have… ? ► They will have been reading a book for two hours tomorrow. Will… ?
Альтернативный вопрос Do you go to school on Sundays? or we or run or to the park or on Mondays a boy or a girl her or his take or put good or bad she or he 9 or 10 had taken or bought red or blue Ann or Nick a brother or a sister is writing or reading black or white morning or evening summer or winter Moscow or London a dog or a cat buy or sell is bought or sold breakfast or dinner tea or juice
Сделайте противопоставление ► ► We or ► ► Open or ► ► Had closed or ► ► Was bought or ► ► Their or ► ► A day or a ► ► Blue or ► ► Clean or ► ► Swim or ► Will be going or ► Will sell or ► Sam or ► On Sunday or ► In England or ► Him or ► In summer or ► An aunt or
Вопрос к подлежащему 1. Выберите правильные варианты 2. Исправьте неправильные варианты Who Have? What Is running? Had begun? Were done? Will forget? Are? Am? Has? Have swum? Do? Drew? Drives? Has cut? Had grown? Shall give? Have been reading? Was going? Begin?
Вопрос к сказуемому Замените последний глагол на do, doing, done Замените последний глагол на do, doing, done I keepWhat… ? She is holding We get He had chosen They have been drawing Nick will be building She has brought My friends have been reading They took We opened
Question tags Замените подлежащее местоимением Kate – She Kate – She Kate and I – We Kate and I – We The boy – He The boy – He The girl – She The girl – She Kate and Ann – They Kate and Ann – They A book – It A book – It A cat – It A cat – It Books – They Books – They Girls - They Girls - They
Схема Предложение tag Предложение tag +, - ? +, - ? Tag – глагол общего вопроса (not) + подлежащее, выраженное местоимением
Тренировочное упражнение ► She is a doctor, ► Sam visited her brother, ► Cat isn’t sitting under the table, under the table, ► Sam and his friend will go to school tomorrow, will go to school tomorrow, ► Kate buys books, ► doesn’t she? ► won’t they? ► is it? ► didn’t he? ► isn’t she?
Question tags ► Повелевать (вежливо) Shut the window, will you? ► Запрещать Don’t tell anyone, will you? ► Предлагать Let’s go to the cinema, shall we? ► Nobody came yesterday, did they? Anybody, Anyone, Everybody, Somebody, Someone, Nobody. ► Something should be done, shouldn’t it? ► Anything ► Everything ► Nothing ► Something I am not ill, am I ? I am busy, aren’t I?