Emigres=nobles, clergy, and others who escaped France. Spread the word about France’s revolution causes outside monarchs to turn against France and the Enlightenment
Some countries even threatened to step in to help the monarchy. ( Declaration of Pillnitz) Prussia Austria
Value of their currency drops rapidly Prices increase Even more food shortages Counter-revolutionaries Legislative assembly can’t handle it.
Sans-culottes=working-class men and women Push the revolution into a more radical phase Demanded a Republic Sans-culottes join with the Jacobins
Parisian men and women attack Swiss guards at the king’s palace Signals the radicalization of the revolution Louis and Marie take refuge in the Legislative Assembly
Radical revolutionaries in the Legislative Assembly Girondines, Jacobins, Montagnards Bourgeoisie Jacobins wins support of the S-C and take majority of the National Convention. Giorndines are arrested
Universal Manhood Suffrage Nobles lose land, power, & privilege Abolish the monarchy Institute a Republic system where the people elected their leaders
Group of 12 people Branch of the National Convention Deal with foreign policy, national defense, counter-revolutionaries
Levee en masse: all male citizens had to give $$ to support the revolution Marched into the Netherlands and Italy They carried freedom fever into conquered lands
Becomes the leader of the Committee of Public Safety Becomes the head of France in 1793 Followed Rousseau’s ideas of the general will Religious tolerance Abolish slavery Free speech
Outside conflicts and counter-revolutionaries cause Robespierre to reevaluate his plan. Institutes Terror ( ) Counterrevolutionaries were put on trial Guilty=Guillotine ~40,000 people died
New devise used to kill It was quick, easy, and humane FEAR & PARANOIA
The National Convention soon turned on the Committee and arrested Robespierre and executed him