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In English, there is one verb that means to know. It can be used to refer to facts or information, to a person, or place, or to an activity (to say how to do something). English
I know my grandfather well. person Do you know that restaurant? place Someone must know the way to Denver information. I know how to dance better than you think activity (how to) examples
There are 2 verbs that mean to know: saber and conocer They both have irregular yo forms in the present tense. (yo sé, yo conozco ) In Spanish…
sésabemos sabessabéis sabesaben saber
conozcoconocemos conocesconocéis conoceconocen conocer
Use this acronym F acts and information I nterrogatives (question words in the middle of the sentence NOT the beginning) S i (if) or que H ow to do something with infinitives When to use saber...
Use this acronoym. F amiliar with or A cquainted with N ouns (people/places) When to use conocer...
When using conocer with people or pets (expressing that we know them or have met them) we include “a” after the conugated form of conocer. Ex: I know Britney Spears. Yo conozco a Britney Spears Personal “a”
Determine whether to use conocer or saber and conjugate appropriately 1. Ella __________ las palabras. 2. Nosotros ___________ New York City. 3. Ellos _____________ jugar al béisbol bien. práctica information Place (familiar with/acquainted) How to do an activity with infinitive sabe conocemos saben