Thermotherapy Sports Medicine 7/7/2016 1
Objectives 1.Review the physiological effects of heat 2.Explain the indications and contraindications of heat 3.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of specific heat modalities 7/7/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 2
Bellwork A tennis player who has been diagnosed with lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) wants to start using heat before his practices and matches. He wants to know what type of heat will be most effective and how long he needs to apply the heat. What would you tell him? 7/7/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 3
Terminology thermotherapy – using a source of heat for treatment 7/7/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 4
Physiologic Effects of Heat Decreased muscle spasm Decreased pain Increased blood flow (vasodilation) Increased metabolism Increased tissue elasticity Decreased joint stiffness 7/7/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 5
1. Sort the items into 2 categories – Indications and Contraindications 2. You can work in groups – one paper per group Sort PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED,
Indications of Thermotherapy Chronic inflammatory conditions Chronic pain Chronic muscle spasm Joint contracture Tightened tissue 7/7/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 7
Contraindications of Thermotherapy Sensory loss Acute injury Areas of decreased sensation/circulation Over the abdomen during pregnancy Over the eyes or genitals Area over tumor / malignant tissue Peripheral vascular disease 7/7/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 8
Think-Pair-Share What are the advantages and disadvantages of a warm whirlpool? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
Warm Whirlpool What it is: Basin filled with 98 to 104°F water Heating through conduction & convection When it’s used: Treating an injured extremity Advantages: Effective cooling in minutes Treat large areas Disadvantages: Clean after each use to prevent infection Prep time Can’t be transported Constant supervision 7/7/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 10
Heat Pack Using a hydrocollator (heat) pack Using a hydrocollator (heat) pack What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a heat pack? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
Hydrocollator (Heat) Pack What it is: A moist heat pack filled with gel and stored in 160°F water bath Wrapped in towels to prevent burning When it’s used: Applied over large areas Advantages: Superficial heating in minutes Reusable Conforms to areas Disadvantages: Hydrocollator requires electricity (not transportable) 7/7/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 12
Paraffin Using a paraffin bath Using a paraffin bath What are the advantages & disadvantages of using a paraffin bath? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
Paraffin Bath What it is: Basin filled with paraffin and mineral oil heated to °F Extremity is dipped 6 times, then wrapped in plastic bag When it’s used: Chronic pain/swelling in hands/feet Advantages: Treatment time varies from 5-20 minutes Disadvantages: Messy application High risk of infection (replace wax often) Treatment area limited Supervision required 7/7/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 14
Thermotherapy Prep 1.Paraffin bath for jammed finger – trim nails; remove all jewelry from fingers and wrist 2.Warm whirlpool for Achilles tendinitis – be prepared to take your shoe and sock off / roll pant leg up to treat lower leg 3.Heat pack for shoulder – be prepared to apply a heat pack over no more than one layer of clothing (remove extra layers) 7/7/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 15
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, Snapshot Write a “snapshot” of today’s learning in 25 words or less.