SYNENERGY Programme Regional Biomass Study Current Progress Vasilis Papandreou Centre for Renewable Energy Sources
Vienna, 24 February nd RE-TF Meeting 2 Overview Project concept as result of the Workshop on RES, April 2009 – Common request for comprehensive regional analysis of biomass potential Project announced during 1 st RE-TF Meeting, Oct 2009 – Support of EnCS, RE-TF and Contracting Parties
Vienna, 24 February nd RE-TF Meeting 3 Project Objective Assist policy makers – to appreciate how supply - demand dynamics will affect the integration of biomass in the energy market – to integrate EU and EnC policy on RES in their national context Assist in the preparation of biomass components within NREAPs Assist EnCS in their efforts for promoting RE Assist in shaping effective biomass targets Assist in linking RE policy with actual market
Vienna, 24 February nd RE-TF Meeting 4 Scope of the Project Analyse the current status of biomass consumption for energy purposes Provide definition on feedstock and potential types (matching current EU state/BEE project) Provide comprehensive data based on unified methodology for the region Analyse the biomass supply based on the EU methodology and introducing the EU sustainability criteria Provide model based analysis of biomass/RES penetration for different policy scenarios (MARKAL) Prepare illustrative cases of biomass components within NREAPs where applicable Propose suitable policy measures for the promotion of bio- energy including bio-fuels Suggest potential investment opportunities
Translating Potentials to Bankable projects (eg Serbia) Vienna, 24 February nd RE-TF Meeting 5 Regional Biomass StudyStudy of feasibility of biomass use in DH plants
Vienna, 24 February nd RE-TF Meeting 6 Project Progress Nov 2009: Concept elaboration, Preparation of ToRs and Questionnaires Nov-Dec 2009: Identification of national experts Dec 2009: Meeting of experts in Athens Mar 2010: Data collection and analysis Oct 2009: Announcement of the project Sep 2010: Final Report Oct 2010: Biomass Workshop May 2010: Sustainability Criteria – Biomass Supply Apr-June 2010: Biomass demand analysis June-July 2010: Modelling scenarios
Vienna, 24 February nd RE-TF Meeting 7 Initial Data Collection Based on the EU27 NREAP templates two types of surveys 1. Bio-survey report 2. Biomass Data Questionnares
Vienna, 24 February nd RE-TF Meeting 8 Initial Data Collection Bio-survey Report – Short description of the biomass resources and the development of bio-energy utilisation (heat, electricity, CHP) – Overview of national RES policy – National action plans and programmes for the promotion of biomass – Incentives for RES and bio-energy promotion – Energy market and the role of biomass
Vienna, 24 February nd RE-TF Meeting 9 Initial Data Collection Biomass Data Questionnaire – Geographical disaggregation at regions (except FYROM and Montenegro) – Data collection covers Land use Agricultural crops (perennial, permanent, energy crops) Animals (cows, pigs, poultry) Forestry Industrial (agro-industry, wood, P&P) Waste (used wood, MSW, SS)
Vienna, 24 February nd RE-TF Meeting 10 Initial Outcomes Significant potential in all countries Different level of advancement in RE policy and legislation among CPs Significant work on biomass characterisation already available – availability of qualified experts Different level of data availability among CPs – Linked with the RE policy advancement and market maturity Terminology and language issues – Harmonisation is prerequisite for implementation of common methodological framework
Vienna, 24 February nd RE-TF Meeting 11 Critical Issues Establish contacts/ communication Approach information (language can still be an issue) Non- uniform terminology (eg fallow land) Non- coherent statistics at regional level Land cover maps missing for some CPs Different level of advancement in RE policy and legislation among CPs Non- uniform state of market development
Vienna, 24 February nd RE-TF Meeting 12 Initial Suggestions for Accelerating Transition Common statistical framework (Eurostat) Common approach to quantify the supply - demand dynamics – Better estimation of the biomass potential to meet policy targets and provide new business opportunities Specialised working groups with participants from EU and the EnC – Links with current EU Platforms (e.g. Biofuels, RES Heat) – Different biomass segments (involvement of idustry) – Better insight in the current state & the future market potential Define, validate and promote regional strategies for sector development Built on existing capabilities (human resources, modeling tools, etc.)
Vienna, 24 February nd RE-TF Meeting 13 Future steps of RBS Completion of data collection and analysis Introduction of (applicable) sustainability criteria for biomass supply analysis Analysis of future biomass demand (pre-model) Regional model-based analysis of policy scenarios Workshop on Biomass in EnC (date to be defined) Assist in the Directive implementation process (?)
Vienna, 24 February nd RE-TF Meeting 14 Thank you for your attention CRES Project Team Division of Development Programmes Calliope Panoutsou Vasilis Papandreou Christoforos Perakis Stefanos Ntoulas