Kick-off meeting Szekesfehervar 6-7 July 2009 Development of Innovative Business Parks to Foster Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the SEE Area Presentation.


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Presentation transcript:

kick-off meeting Szekesfehervar 6-7 July 2009 Development of Innovative Business Parks to Foster Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the SEE Area Presentation of methodology for delivering WP Innovative potential of the region Regional Situation Analysis Template (DRAFT) kick-off meeting Szekesfehervar 6-7 July 2009 Prepared by Mando Karvelli

kick-off meeting Szekesfehervar 6-7 July 2009 WP 3 – 3.1 Innovative potential of the region  In-depth situation analysis and investigation of the innovative potential of its region  To cover: sectors with innovative potential, SWOT, demand, suppliers and actors policies, needs of innovative SMEs - services, networks, emphasis on business parks  CERTH developed methodology and structure of the study  Draft completed in Period 1, Final in Period 2 (before the SC meeting)  Output: 9 studies  Presentation and Approval of each study on the SC Meeting in Ljubljana, Oct-Nov 2009.

kick-off meeting Szekesfehervar 6-7 July 2009  Abstract  PART I. Executive Summary  PART II. Report on regional situation of Region of  PART III. Main actors contributing to the development of innovative capability and entrepreneurship of the region  PART IV. Suggestions and proposals for recommended steps to inform interested parties and make them aware of existing situation, available and planned programmes and initiatives, ways to overpass the problems of entrepreneurship (innovative SMEs).  PART V. Main Conclusions  Annex CONTENTS

kick-off meeting Szekesfehervar 6-7 July 2009  General situation of regional entrepreneurship and innovation capacity,  Most promising sectors-progress,  Main problems-obstacles in development of innovative SMEs,  Initiatives, regional programmes & tools supporting innovative entrepreneurship,  Role of research & technology parks - business parks, etc. PART II. Report on regional situation of Region of II.1 Introduction

kick-off meeting Szekesfehervar 6-7 July 2009  Geographical location/ characteristics and their effects on the economic, industrial etc. opportunities,  population,  economy- basic figures,  trade and finance,  infrastructure,  strategy for development, etc. II.2 Specific characteristics of the region under study II.2.1 General Situation in the region and regional indicators

kick-off meeting Szekesfehervar 6-7 July 2009 Strengths and weaknesses concerning:  resources,  policies,  infrastructures,  programmes,  main actors’ contribution such as business parks, incubators, etc. Opportunities and threats concerning:  legal and political factors,  economy,  technological progress,  networking,  social factors, etc. II.2.2 SWOT analysis of the region

kick-off meeting Szekesfehervar 6-7 July 2009  Presentation of the current situation of the business sector, which are the most innovative and promising sectors,  the weakest sectors concerning innovative capability,  spin-offs and start-ups in the region- basic characteristics and overview  comparison of innovative situation of the business sector of the region with all country, innovation performance of the region (e.i. Central Macedonia) compared to national innovation (Greece) performance  available figures and tables, etc. PART III. Main actors contributing to the development of innovative capability and entrepreneurship of the region III.1 The general situation of the business sector, mostly focusing to innovative entrepreneurship

kick-off meeting Szekesfehervar 6-7 July 2009  Can be based on current regional innovation strategies, former and current surveys, etc.  contact with regional agencies recommended; support activities – effectiveness of regional policies supporting company creation procedures and future development,  Existing regional/national programmes, mechanisms and tools supporting innovative entrepreneurship,  Available or already implemented EU programmes supporting innovative entrepreneurship, legislation, initiatives and allowances for the sake of SME creation and development, etc III.2 Entrepreneurship policies & institutional framework in the region-country mostly focusing on the impacts for the innovative enterprises, start-ups and spin-offs

kick-off meeting Szekesfehervar 6-7 July 2009  Which are the main actors encouraging innovation in the region - business parks, research & technology parks, incubators, research institutes, universities, clusters, innovation funding entities etc. possible interrelations,  encouragement of entrepreneurship and innovation development by main actors ( focusing more on research and technology parks/ business parks),  present situation referring to services-activities, departments, networking, mediating role between academic and business community and strategy followed, types of financial support etc.  organisational structure and culture, etc. III.3 Main actors contributing to the development of innovative capability of the region

kick-off meeting Szekesfehervar 6-7 July 2009  Presentation of SWOT preferably using a table,  identification of existing strengths,  weaknesses mostly based on the internal environment and opportunities and threats mainly based on the external environment,  very important to draw some conclusions by identifying the existing and potential problems faced by (especially the innovative ones) enterprises, start-ups and spin-offs). III.4 SWOT analysis for the general situation of the business sector mainly identifying the main problems innovative enterprises are faced with

kick-off meeting Szekesfehervar 6-7 July 2009 This part will suggest ways for the innovative capability to foster and further be developed, as well as recommendations for the enterpreneurship’s problems that are identified above (III.3), this part will support the feasibility study to later stage. PART IV. Suggestions and proposals for recommended steps to inform interested parties and make them aware of existing situation, available and planned programmes and initiatives, ways to overpass the problems of entrepreneurship (innovative SMEs). PART V. Main Conclusions

kick-off meeting Szekesfehervar 6-7 July 2009  Eurostat (  World Trade Organisation (  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (  United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (  Innovative Regions ( )  Cordis (  National Statistical Services  Ministries of Economy and Finance  EFTA National Statistical Institutes ANNEX: Suggested sources

kick-off meeting Szekesfehervar 6-7 July 2009  2008 European Innovation Scoreboard (  Innobarometer ( pdf) pdf  IMD ( )  World competitiveness report (  …….

kick-off meeting Szekesfehervar 6-7 July 2009 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! Time for discussion Comments ? Suggestions ? …. ?