Economic development of the cross-border region. Case study of Kaliningrad region and the Nothern Poland
The goal of the paper: To find ways how to benefit cross-border location of the studied region.
Tasks Analysis of a legal foundation Assest investment potential of the region
Kaliningrad – a rimland of Russia It is an enclave of the RF Warmia-Mazurian voevodship is a rimland of the EU. Common infrastructure and nature system Kaliningrad – a rimland of Russia It is an enclave of the RF Warmia-Mazurian voevodship is a rimland of the EU. Common infrastructure and nature system
Agreement between Russia and EU about cooperation in 2007 Agreements between the Goverment of Poland and the Goverment of the Russian Federation Euroregions
Strategy of the development of the Kaliningrad region Poland – is a strategy partner Strategy of the development of the Warmian- and-Mazurian voevodship Strategy of the EU towards the Kaliningrad region Perspectives of using transport potential, its labour force and prevents ecological risks
EU funds Federal Target Programmes „Lithuania-Poland-Russia ”
Special economic zone of the Kaliningrad region Warmia and Mazury special economic zone Suwalki special economic zone Technological parks
Stereotypes Trade barriers Political differences