7 October 2015 NCP Training EU-Japan Joint Call EUJ1 – 2016: 5G – Next Generation Communication Networks
Japan-EU cooperation A good example of a fruitful and effective cooperation in ICT research and innovation 2 coordinated calls since 2012 The joint evaluation is a sign of our common understanding of the issues being addressed and the level of mutual trust 3 rd coordinated calls now as part of work- programme in ICT and also Active and Healthy Ageing
EU-Japan – ICT R&I 1 st Coordinated Call. Projects Projects started on June 1, 2013, positive results reported so far.
EU-Japan - Net Future, 2 nd Coordinated Call. (projects started on October 1, 2014, first review in Nov. 2015) iKaas Intelligent Knowledge as a Service Platform SAFARI Scalable and Flexible Optical Architecture for reconfigurable Infrastructure RAPID Radio technologies for 5G dense user environments FESTIVAL Smart ICT services and testing platforms
Topics: EUJ1: 5G–Next Generation Communication Networks EUJ2: IoT/Cloud/Big Data platforms in social application contexts EUJ3: Experimental Testbeds on Information-Centric Networking EU-Japan – ICT R&I 3 rd Coordinated ICT Call 5
Japan-EU cooperation 3 rd Coordinated ICT call Overall budget of 7 MEUR A joint evaluation to select the proposals to be funded Timeline (indicative): October 20, 2015: Call publication January 19, 2016: Deadline for proposals March 2016: Evaluation of proposals July 2016: New projects start
Joint Declaration on ICT and 5G signed in May 2015, between European Commission and Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication (MIC) of Japan. Declarations bears on cooperation intentions on: – To strive to reach a global consensus – To jointly cooperate to facilitate the emergence of global standards – To facilitate the identification of globally harmonised radio frequency bands – To join forces to support and facilitate the development of new applications and ecosystems – To implement joint research actions in the field of 5G MoU also signed between the 5G Infrastructure Association (5G PPP) and The Fifth Generation Mobile Communications Promotion Forum (5G MF) on 25 March 2015.
Refining the vision, accounting for different services views (e.g. DTT) From Vision to Architecture Standards, time frame and priority services Bringing verticals inside Frequency bands, WRC 2015/19 Socio economics Testing and pilot deployment s Taking International development into account 5G challenges
9 Scope (3 M€, RIA): 5G technologies and systems to realize high-performance heterogeneous networks which have dynamic resource allocation capabilities, superior spectral efficiency performances and functions of supporting a very wide range of application requirements. 5G network to control heavy dynamicity, which change traffic volume and characteristic as well as traffic growth, with agile and flexible control or management scheme such as SDN/NFV. EUJ1 – G – Next Generation Communication Networks
Expected Impact: 1.Optimised exploitation of access resources through interoperability across a range of technologies for multiple applications in both dense and rural environments. 2.Development and demonstration of key enabling technologies for the future generations of integrated/heterogeneous access network systems. 3.Joint identification of standardization requirements and contribution to standardization bodies and fora, supporting global views on open standards and interoperability, with particular focus on 3GPP and WRC'19 developments. It includes a significant contribution to the testing and evaluation methodologies of 5G access technologies under 3GPP. 4.New basic technologies for network management. Implementation acceleration through agile relocation and flexible reconnection of virtual network functions (VFN) with real-time monitoring as proof of concepts. EUJ1 – G – Next Generation Communication Networks
Coordinated Call Conditions (*) Submission and evaluation follow the principles of Horizon 2020 calls with certain specific conditions: Common PartB (technical annex) PMs for each partner/per task is required EU and JP proposals submitted to the respective coordinated calls European consortium signs contract with the EC Japanese consortium signs contract with the Japanese funding agencies MIC or NICT Each proposal should include a coordination agreement Signed before starting the project Does not replace the Consortium Agreement (which is still required from all EU projects) EU-JP research plan: balanced effort, genuine cooperation Duration: 3 years max. Max. funding (EU): 3M€ per RIA project (in EUJ1) (*) read carefully pages of WP EUJ : IoT/Cloud/Big Data
Further information H2020 WP : T-ICT_ _pre-publication.pdf Call - EU-Japan Joint Call (page ) Horizon Participants Portal 5G-PPP EUJ : IoT/Cloud/Big Data
Contact point European Commission DG CONNECT Network Technologies