The XX All-Russian Conference “Neutron Scattering for Condensed Matter Studies” Gatchina, October 13-19, 2008 XX СОВЕЩАНИЕ по использованию Рассеяния Нейтронов.


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Presentation transcript:

The XX All-Russian Conference “Neutron Scattering for Condensed Matter Studies” Gatchina, October 13-19, 2008 XX СОВЕЩАНИЕ по использованию Рассеяния Нейтронов в Исследованиях Конденсированного Состояния (РНИКС-2008) г. Гатчина 13–19 октября 2008 года Valery V. Fedorov Conference Chairman Sergey B. VakhrushevProgram Committee Chairman Aleksey I. Okorokov Organizing Committee Chairman St.-Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina

The twentieth anniversary of the RNIKS conferences! Gatchina, October 13-19, 2008 ~140 participants from 22 institutions

XVIII RNIKS-2004 Zarechnyj, near Yekaterinburg October 2004 The Conference is organizing regularly during last 40 years, every second year, as a rule at Russian neutron centers: Yekaterinburg, Gatchina or Obninsk in turn. All leading Russian and CIS-countries scientists from neutron centers attend the Conference. Speakers from abroad are invited.

4 RNIKS-08: Scientific Programme Papers (JINR) Topic: oral + poster 1. Crystal structure and dynamics9 (1) + 14 (2) 2. Magnetism and strongly correlated electron systems10 (2) + 19 (1) 3. Non-crystalline materials, nanostructures and liquids9 (1) + 5 (3) 4. Chemistry and physics of polymers and fullerenes4 (2) + 7 (2) 5. Biology and pharmacology4 (3) + 3 (1) 6. Functional and nanostructured materials 3 (0) + 2 (0) 7. Material science and applied research4 (0) + 8 (5) 8. Materials under pressure5 (2) + 5 (3) 9. Radiation damage physics3 (0) + 5 (1) 10. Experimental technique13 (1) + 22 (7) 11. Fundamental physics with neutrons5 (1) In total: 69 (oral) + 90 (poster) = 159 (37)

5 Plenary Session I Gil′yry M. Drabkin: 85 th birthday anniversary G. M. Drabkin is a pioneer in the use of neutron scattering for condensed matter studies at Gatchina reactor (in 1950 th ), neutron optics with polarized neutrons, small-angle scattering with polarized neutrons, 3D polarization analysis. He is an author of “shaped meander” - spatial spin resonator of polarized neutrons, polarized neutron guides, spin-flippers etc. In the introductory talk G. M. Drabkin discussed a relation between individual and collective intellect from the point of view scientific progress in present tense.

6 Plenary Session II V.L. Aksenov: Neutrons and Physics of Nanomaterials Key point: neutron scattering is an essential tool for nanoscience research! Distinctions in 2D and 3D nanostructures Magnetic properties of layered systems Transformations of 2D surfaces Magnetism and superconductivity Magnetic polymers Biology: structure – function relation Clusters in colloidal solutions Magnetic liquids ….

7 Section I Crystal structure and dynamics P.P. Parshin (Kurchatov Institute) “Atomic dynamics of the i-AlCuFe quasi- crystal and α-Al(Si)CuFe appoximant” M.S. Blanter (MSU P&I) “Structure of fission materials” I.V. Kalinin (SSC IPPE) “Superfluid phase in solid helium” А.I. Кurbakov (PNPI) “Phase diagram of Sm 1-x Sr x MnO 3 manganites” S.I. Morozov (SSC IPPE) “Quasi-particle spectrum in quantum macrosystems”

8 Section II Magnetism and strongly correlated electron systems S.V. Maleev (PNPI) “Cubic helimagnets in magnetic field and at pressure” S.V. Grigoriev (PNPI) “Magnetic structure of cubic ferromagnets without center of symmetry” K.S. Nemkovskii (Kurchatov Institute) “Spin dynamics in structures with non- magnetic ground state on base Yb and Sm”

9 Section III Non-crystalline materials, nanostructures and liquids H. Schober. ILL, France “Dynamic instability at the origin of oxygen ion conduction in solid oxides at ambient temperature” S. Rols. ILL, France “How confinement inside carbon nanotubes affects the dynamics of fullerenes” Egami T. University of Tennessee, USA “Dynamic pair-density function studies of local lattice dynamics: application to relaxor ferroelectrics” М.V. Аvdeev. JINR “Structural aspects of magnetic liquids stabilization“

10 Section IV Chemistry and physics of polymers and fullerenes I. Natkaniec. JINR “Neutron scattering study of condensed phases and quantum modeling of structure and dynamics of hexane isomers – С 6 H 14 ” A.V. Rogachev. JINR “Internal structure of the polycarbosilane dendrimers”

11 Section V Biology and pharmacology М.А. Kiselev. JINR “Nanostructure of the Stratum Corneum lipid matrix and drug diffusion problem” N.Yu. Ryabova. JINR “Real-Time neutron diffraction study of lipid multilayers” E.V. Ermakova. JINR “Nanostructure of the phospholipid / lisophospholipid bilayers”

12 Section X Experimental technique J. Kulda, ILL, France “Mapping elastic and inelastic diffuse scattering in single crystals” A. Ioffe. Julich, Germany “Latest developments of neutron scattering instrumentation at continuous sources” V.V. Fedorov, PNPI “PIK reactor – the future of studies with neutrons” А.М. Balagurov, JINR “Spectrometers at the IBR-2M reactor. Current state and perspectives” D.Yu. Erak, Kurchatov Institute “Spectrometers at the IR-8 reactor”

13 Young Scientists Awards A.V. Vasilieva (PNPI) “Magnetic properties of inverted photon crystal on the Co base” E.A. Dyad’kina (PNPI) “A study of GaAs/SiO 2 (Co) heterostructure by polarized neutron reflectometry” A.V. Ilatovskij (PNPI) “Modeling of the supernucleosomal chromatin structure” D.S. Il’in (PNPI) “Position-sensitive detectors for small angle scattering” O.L. Makarova (Kurchatov Institute) “Structural and magnetic transformations in the intermetallic compounds induced by hydrogen” A.V. Rybina (Kurchatov Institute) “Lattice dynamics in the ZrB 12 superconductor” T.N. Murugova (FLNP) “Protein structure refinement by SANS data” A.V. Churakov. (FLNP) “ 3 He position-sensitive detectors designed at FLNP”

14 Around Gatchina

15 In the lecture hallG.M.Drabkin and a journalist Sasha Kuklin explains Discussion. V.Fedotov and A.Beskrovnij Problem with computer