PROBLEM BASED LEARNING A SUCCESSFUL MODEL FOR LEARNING ESP Bernarda Mrak Kosel Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
What is PBL about? independent learner bringing real life situations into the classroom cross-curricular approach language teacher subject teacher student
A SEVEN- STEP CYCLE OF PBL REAL-LIFE PROBLEM First Meeting Step 1 Making the problem clear Step 2 Formulate questions Prioritise Step 3 Identify current knowledge Step 4 Identify learning needs Step 5 Formulate the learning aims Distribute the assignments
A SEVEN- STEP CYCLE OF PBL REAL-LIFE PROBLEM Step 6 Individual activities Out-of-class research
A SEVEN- STEP CYCLE OF PBL REAL-LIFE PROBLEM –SESecond Second Meeting Second Meeting Step 7 Discussion and evaluation
PBL - products Writing a report Group oral presenation