Tech Tools In a PBL Classroom
Hello! Ashley Cox World Geography Teacher Los Fresnos United - 9th Grade Campus
What is PBL?
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PBL is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an engaging and complex question, problem or challenge. -Buck Institute for Education (BIE)
Major Components of PBL Entry Event Driving Question Product(s) Creation Presentation Reflection
Management Organization of materials is essential...
Most Common LMS Edmodo Canvas Google Classroom Blackboard Moodle Schoology
Place your screenshot here Schoology Create folders within the program to maintain all your project information.
Collaboration Students work together to accomplish the various tasks presented...
Google Drive ✖ Students access via their Google Account ✖ Work on the same document at the same time From different locations ✖ Records all the changes made to a document Share & Edit Documents OneDrive ✖ Students access via their Microsoft account ✖ Work on the same document at the same time May be more familiar with the Microsoft suite
creation Students combine their skills with the content knowledge to create products...
Design / Build ✖ Minecraft ✖ Roomle Video Design ✖ iMovie ✖ Powtoon Conferencing ✖ Skype ✖ FaceTime The Options are Limitless
Reflection Blogging in the 21st Century
Why Blog? ✖ Constant reflection of the process ✖ Examine the development of the product over time Make adjustments, as necessary ✖ Connect to the students on their level
Blogging Platforms ✖ Edublogs Edublogs ✖ Weebly Weebly ✖ Wix Wix ✖ WordPress WordPress ✖ Blogger Blogger
Share with the world Connect.
310,000,000+ Monthly Twitter Users 9,000 Shared Snaps per Second 70,000,000 Daily Total of Instagram Posts
Let’s review some concepts What is PBL? The presentation of a challenge, question, or problem to students, thus allowing them to gain knowledge and new skills. Organization Provide students with a platform to maintain all project parts. Collaboration Students work on their projects with other students via cloud services, while also providing teachers with an overview. Creation Students can shine with their vast knowledge of technology. Reflection The key component to any PBL … students must be able to see the process from beginning to end, and failure is possible. Social Media Take something familiar in a student’s life, and use it for educational purposes.
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