1 PBL Coaches/Leaders meeting Term
Acknowledgement of Country I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land and pay my respects to Elders past, present and future, for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.
Learning intentions Reflect on the effectiveness of PBL at my school Reflect on how effectively we are implementing all 7 universals for the School Wide settings Introduce Classroom Setting Systems- 1 & 2 at my school
Resources can be found here 5
What works? 6 toolkit/the-nine-elements/element-5/introduction toolkit/the-nine-elements/element-5/introduction Explains PBL & the universals
7 Nonclassroom Setting Systems Classroom Setting Systems Individual Student Systems School-wide Systems School-wide Positive Behaviour for Learning Systems
How effective is PBL at my school? 8 Using a scale of less effective 5- most effective write a number on a post-it-note of how effectively PBL is operating at your school.
How effective are our School Wide Systems? 9 Reflect on your completed School Wide Systems & Classroom Setting Survey. What are some of the strengths & challenges?
10 1. Leadership commitment 2. Statement of purpose 3. Clearly define expected behaviours 4. Procedures for teaching & practicing expected behaviours 5. Procedures for encouraging expected behaviours 6. Procedures for record-keeping and decision making 7. Procedures for discouraging problem behaviours Essential Features for School Wide Settings – Universals
Academic Support(s) Check In/ Check Out Social Skill Targeted Environmental Interventions Avoid Tasks ? Skill Deficit? Step 1: Teacher and Team collect data. Data Decision Rules Universal Screening and data collection –Classroom System –Nonclassroom System –Schoolwide System –Classroom System –Nonclassroom System –Schoolwide System Tier 1 implemented with fidelity? Obtain Attention? Lagging SEL Skills Are we creating a link between SEL & PBL
Protective factors- link with KidsMatter Safe & engaging environment Connectedness BelongingRelationships Student Behaviour
Moving forward Chalk Talk technique Chalk Talk technique What future support/PL would your school find of value with Positive Behaviour?