PBL/STEM Unit Sarah Buck, Kaitlin Nagao, Lindsay Porter
Parent Resources for PBL
Teacher Resources
Student Resources -for-kids
Daily Schedule 8:00-8:20- Breakfast in the Classroom 8:20-8:45- Math Problem of the Day and Sharing Out 8:45-9:30- Math Lesson of the Day 9:30-10:00- Language Arts (Spelling and Vocabulary) 10:00-10:20- Recess 10:20-11:20- Read Aloud and Language Arts Lesson 11:20-12:00- Writing
Daily Schedule Continued.. 11:20-12:00- Writing 12:00-12:35- Lunch 12:35-2:05- Social Studies (M/W), Science (T/TH), Theater (Friday) 2:05-2:35- Independent Work Time 2:35-2:40- Pack up & Dismissal
Classroom Layout
Philosophical Statement The most important thing to understand as a teacher is that no two children think the same. Teachers have the power to choose what students learn, so it is important to make content interesting and engaging for all students. As a teacher I want to provide my students with many opportunities to explore and learn in the classroom. Using project based learning allows all children to learn in a way that works the best for them. Students are able to work on projects by collaborating, researching, exploring, and engaging in problem solving. This is the best way for students to learn because they have a chance to really take charge in what they learn. Students are able to think outside the box and put their minds to the test. Project based learning also gives students a chance to explore different problem solving strategies. STEM units are important because they directly connect students to the real world. Using science, technology, engineering, and math in the classroom cause a classroom to be very well-rounded and students are able to learn effectively. STEM directly connects to PBL because they both require hands on learning, which I believe to be the most beneficial for children.
Rubric 4- Students chose a clear topic for their presentation, presented information about the chosen topic in a clear and organized manner, and showed advanced understanding of the topic. 3- Students chose a clear topic and presented information, but did not develop depth of understanding about topic 2- Students presented information, but it was not on one specific topic. Thoughts were developed, but scattered. 1- Students did not choose topic or present adequate information.