IHM, KIT, Campus Nord 1 LEADER meeting Karlsruhe November 22 nd Alfons Weisenburger– IHM/KIT Task 6.2 Materials for mechanical pump for heavy liquid metal reactors (ENEA - 5, KIT - 5) Month 1 – 30 – extended The erosion of structural materials in fluent lead is considered acceptable if the relative velocity between the lead and the structural surface is kept below 2 m/s. This limit cannot be respected for the mechanical pump where the relative velocity is up to 10 m/s or even higher at local areas. Material capable to operate in fluent lead with relative velocity up to 10 m/s and environment temperature up to 500°C with acceptable performance shall be individuated and qualified. Specific materials (Maxthal, SiSiC) tests in representative conditions (speed, mechanical load, thermohydraulic conditions) for heavy liquid metal reactors will be performed. Task responsible persons: ENEA: Mariano Tarantino; KIT: Adrian Jianu; Deliverables: D16 - Erosion stability of materials in fast flowing lead (M36) – ENEA, KIT
IHM, KIT, Campus Nord 2 LEADER meeting Karlsruhe November 22 nd Alfons Weisenburger– IHM/KIT Status last meeting Temperature of Pb: 480°C - Oxygen content: wt% Speed of HLM: 2.5m/s – like in previous test Highly turbulent flow – Pb directed on the specimen Not only tangential action of the Pb Materials: SiSiC; Maxthal; FeCrAl GESA; Noriloy; Norihard At this condition 480 °C in Pb with wt% oxygen No corrosion/erosion visible Increase of Pb velocity was tested: with water at room temperature - possible With Pb at 480 °C failed at 2.5m/s re-building of facility is discussed Magnetic coupling will be replaced by magneto fluid coupling (water cooled) rpm - 60Nm transmission torque New coupling is ordered - will be delivered in the next weeks – new tests can start in summer Materials?: Maxthal, T91, SiSiC, Noriloy, GESA,..
IHM, KIT, Campus Nord 3 LEADER meeting Karlsruhe November 22 nd Alfons Weisenburger– IHM/KIT Status now Magnetic coupling was replaced by magneto fluid coupling (water cooled) rpm - 60Nm transmission torque Refurbishment of CORELLA finished Tests with rotation speed according to 10m/s successful Materials selected: Maxthal, T91, SiSiC, Noriloy, GESA Specimens are prepared Pb is now conditioned Test will start in 2 nd week of December