Summary of Previous Lecture
3- Formalism -Bureaucracy formally sticks to forms and formalities -This lead to the loss of their sense of judgment and initiative. -The tone of official correspondence, writing notes on files are predetermined -It is followed in prescribed manner and mechanical way.
4- Unresponsiveness -It is lack of speed and the attitude with which bureaucracy reacts to the changes in the political environment -It always resist change when change threatens their interests. -The precedents and procedures tend to slow down the reaction time of the bureaucracy.
5- Lust for power -It has a lust for power at any cost -It has wrested too much policy determination from the executive and legislature. - It is mainly due to the political nature of administration - The technical character of the government forces the amateur legislators to depend upon expert official - This leads to the self-aggrandizement of the officials.
6- Empire Building -Bureaucracy divides the tasks into many isolated and self dependent units -Interestingly each pursuing its own ends and adopting its own line of thought and actions. -Therefore the tendency of being independent develops.
7- Corruption -In developing countries bureaucracy is illegally prone to illegal extortion of money from the people from doing their work. -For this they take refuge behind their political masters.
Plight of Bureaucracy in Pakistan Corruption Inefficient Status-quo-Resistance to change Rude attitude
Improving the condition of bureaucracy in Pakistan 1- Selection on merit -First of all Sound education system needs to be developed - pure merit rather than nepotism and favoritism -If so politician cannot use them and fool them according to their own vested interest.
2- Frequent training programs for updating practical knowledge -At all level rigorous training should be provided to bureaucrats. -High teaching staff needs to be employed -Training should be compulsory part of the career development.
3- Monitoring the performance of bureaucrats -Need to change outdated procedures -Unnecessary documentation cripple them -Different department should work in coordination -Continuity of government policies should be encouraged.
4- Transparent System to avoid Corruption -Transparent systems are required to nip the corruption -Delay in the procedures should be minimized.
5- Attractive Salary Packages - Attractive salary could attract best students -Salary package should be competitive to other opportunities. -This will create efficiency in performance. -Promotion should be based on performance rather than political affiliation.