Secondary Storage Recommending Devices
Magnetic, Optical, Solid State?
Secondary Storage Scenarios Recommend a secondary storage device, based on the following factors: CapacityCostSpeed PortabilityDurabilityReliability
The College Student I need to take a few electronic files between college and home on a daily basis. CapacityCostSpeedPortabilityDurabilityReliability
The Network Manager I need to keep daily backups of our office system. It is several gigabytes in size! CapacityCostSpeedPortabilityDurabilityReliability
The Gamer I want my PC games to load as quickly as possible, whatever the cost. CapacityCostSpeedPortabilityDurabilityReliability
The Hardware Designer I need to fit a fast, reliable and small storage device to this high-end, compact laptop. CapacityCostSpeedPortabilityDurabilityReliability
The Pro Photographer I need reliable data storage that works fast and is easy to swap between camera & PC. CapacityCostSpeedPortabilityDurabilityReliability