BUP Discussion Input John Koster, Sasha Bazilevsky, Itaru Nakagawa Spin PWG 2013/04/03 1
BUP Tentative Plan Run/21 week scenario15 week scenario weeks Au-Au 6 weeks p-p 200GeV L? T? weeks Au-Au weeks p-p 200GeV Transverse p-Au, p-Si? … 4-6 weeks p-p 200GeV Transverse p-A with less species 2 Highlights Run14 : heavy flavor w/ VTX. MPC-Ex partial install. Run15 : direct photon w/ MPC-EX * Physics weeks = Total weeks – 3 weeks
PHENIX-Spin : Possible Options GeV Longitudinal pp –Impact on DeltaG is larger than 500GeV? GeV Transverse pp –Collins & Sivers. Heavily depends on MPC-EX availability GeV Transverse pA – Gluon saturation through asymmetry measurement GeV Longitudinal pp – Prepare for scenario we don’t achieve goal in Run13. 3
500 GeV vs 200 GeV Last time showed old plot from Sasha comparing expectations between 500 and 200 GeV pi0 A LL. Open issue – Trigger turn on assumed same as 200 GeV, actually factor of 2 higher in pT – Assumed no prescales, reality is prescale of ~3-4 HW: Get Better comparison Look at real data: – Run GeV: 4x4c&&BBCLL1 (|z|<30cm) – Run GeV: 4x4c&&BBCnarrow (|z|<15cm) – Run GeV: 4x4c&&BBCwide (no z cut) Not really done as need to go through fast production data more carefully Currently just scale Run11 by √(16/200) and assume 50% pol Kieran Boyle April 17, 2013 Spin PWG4 RHIC Spin Plan (08)
Look at what 500 GeV gives us Very clear that in Overlap region 200 GeV is significantly better. – Will remake the plot with the preliminary data for BUP. Do not use this one. Kieran Boyle April 17, 2013 Spin PWG5 200 GeV (5,6,9) Run 11 Run 12 Run 13 Run 11,12 13
GeV trans. spin Physics goals from Run13 BUP: transverse spin High pT in inclusive forward pi0s in MPC Back-to-back hadrons for Sivers Charm 6 Di-hadron IFF Run 6/8/12: 18 pb -1 (|z|<30cm) with P= Projections for 33 pb -1 and P=0.60 May still be relevant to Run14/15 Do we want to keep all these plots for Run14/15 BUP? Any other suggestions?
GeV trans spin with MPC-EX Photon for Sivers 7 50pb -1, P=0.6 Charged clusters with >=3 tracks, single-track 0 ’s Pi0 within jet for Collins If get it in Run15
GeV trans spin 8 What system(s) (A) and run length Need detailed simulation and documentation
BUP request for 500GeV The Average projection until the end of June is L=120pb^-1 Should develop a scenario in case the integrated luminosity ends up with ~120pb^-1. Do we want to come back in Run14 or Run15 or Run16? Availability of Electron Lens is a concern. Lumi x 2 |z| no z-cut : x 1.5 P=50% average so far? S/N~1 has not yet been demonstrated. Still room to improve though. S/N ~ 0.4
Run13 Projection 10
W-> mu Goal Integ L = 300 pb -1 (|z|<30cm) P=55% S/N ~ 1
New Information continued When calculating luminosity, Jamie wants to take CAD’s projections for N pb -1 /week achieved after a “sufficiently long running period” and instead multiply by ¾. – Overly optimistic in case of a short run – Overly pessimistic for a long run. – But, simplifies our projections considerably. – Example: p-Au: 175nb -1 /day [CAD, delivered, asymptote] 131nb -1 /week [delivered, asymptote] *0.55 (1008 efficiency)*0.6 (30 cm vertex)=43nb -1 /week These details are still under discussion. Please do not use these numbers yet. Jamie will the list with official guidance. 12
Detailed projections from CAD 13