T HE STEAM POWERED REVOLUTION PowerPoint by Larry Morris, Kevin Miller, Taaj Mccain, Colin Novath
Many may not know, but the original design for the steam engine was devised by a English military engineer named Thomas Savery.
He patented his idea in 1698.
A English Blacksmith, named Thomas Newcomen, made the first improvements on Thomas Savery's invention.
He named his engine "The Newcomen steam engine."
In 1765, James Watt was assigned the job of working on the Newcomen engine.
James worked on several improvements for Newcomen's engine.
His improvements made the steam engine more efficient and cost effective.
A mill engine from Stott Park Bobbin Mill, Cumbria, Englandmill engineStott Park Bobbin Mill Preserved British steam-powered fire engine fire engine A 1817 Boulton & Watt beam blowing engine, Boulton & Watt blowing engine The uses of the steam engine.
Influences On The Future Led to modern day inventions such as: Trains Ships Cranes Tractors
P OSITIVE EFFECTS ON SOCIETY A growth in convienence for transporting goods. Made it easier to obtain a variety of products from other places. Different types of transportaion emerged.
N EGATIVE E FFECTS ON SOCIETY Depeltion of fossil fuels. Pollutted the air quality. It became very time consuming.
Primary Source documents About.com "Steam Engine History." Inventors. Web. 24 Jan tm Youtube.com "YouTube - the Industrial Revolution the Steam Engine." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 24 Jan Ideafinder.com "Inventor James Watt Biography." The Great Idea Finder - Celebrating the Spirit of Innovation. Web. 24 Jan