Warm up Give the formulas for how to find the area of a: Rectangle Triangle Circle Kite
Shape: Rectangle Formula: A = B x H Area = base X height Example:
Shape: Parallelogram Formula: A = B x H Area = base X height Example:
Shape: triangle Formula: A =½ B x H Area = ½ base X height Example:
Stop and think: Why does the same triangle formula work for both of these triangles?
Shape: Trapezoid Formula: A =½(b 1 +b 2 )H Area = ½ (base 1 +base 2) X height Example:
Shape: Rhombus Formula: A =½ d 1 x d 2 Area = ½diagonal 1 x diagonal 2 Example:
Shape: kite Formula: A =½ d 1 x d 2 Area = ½diagonal 1 x diagonal 2 Example:
Stop and think: Split this kite into 4 different triangles and find the areas. Compare this answer to the area of the kite.
Shape: Regular Polygon Example:
Shape: Circle Example:
Shape: Sector Example: