Session 7, February 23, 2016 Welcome! What is open innovation? Vote on articles Developing topics for the final projects Number of articles in the exam Feedback from last session 1
Open innovation 2
What is open innovation? Chesbrough 2003: “Open innovation is a paradigm that assumes that firms can and should use external ideas as well as internal ideas, and internal and external paths to market, as firms look to advance their technology.” 3
Student vote on articles 4
Author TitleYes (+)No (-)Total MarkidesDisruptive Innovation43142 TeeceProfiting from technological innovation28127 Cooper & EdgettDeveloping a product innovation and…23122 Henard & SzymanskiWhy some new products are more succesful…20119 AdnerMatch your innovation strategy to your …150 DhanarajOrcherstrating innovation networks16115 PisanoProfiting from innovation and the intellect …15312 Hagel & Brown Shaping strategy in a world of constant disruption13211 RobertsManaging invention and innovation16124 Anderson & Tushman Technological discontinuities and dominant design1174 Felin & ZengerClosed or open innovation?13103 Taylor & Helfat Organizational linkages for surviving technological..550 DahlanderHow open is innovation45 CautelaThe emergence of new networked business … Zabala-Iturriagagoi…Innovation management tools314-11
Final project – SMOTI 2016 Analysis assignment concerning strategic management of technology and innovation: A) the electric car industry or B) material recycling DATE INSTRUCTIONS / CONTENTS February 22Tentative topics published February 29Time to edit and add topics March 3Final list of topics published March 7 (12:00 noon)Groups have time to choose the topic. Mark with the group number at Google Docs pages. First come first served basis March 8 (lecture session) Further instructions given April 25 (12:00 noon)Final project submission April 26Final project presentations start
Objective of the final projects The final project is an analysis assignment concerning strategic management of technology and innovation In the final projects groups use the new concepts, frameworks and management tools that they have learned during the theoretical part and implement them in the strategic management of technology and innovation 7
Number of articles in the exam 8
Additional article Some groups have referred to additional articles - these articles are not part of exam material All slide presentations are exam material, including references to additional articles 9
Perspectives for analyses as exam material Each group has a different perspective for its analyses - all perspectives are part of exam material Perspectives of student presentations are good for making exam questions More perspectives will be introduced in the exam questions 10
Final projects as exam material Students will be divided into two sections, with parallel sessions Slide presentations from the other the section are not exam material 11
Other points related to the final projects Electric vehicles and material recycling are discussed in both sections Ilpo will chair sessions on material recycling; and Ilkka will chair sessions on electric vehicles 12
Number of articles in the exam is reduced 21 articles discussed during the sessions - 4 articles omitted based on student vote 17 articles in the exam 13
Feedback from last session 14
Examples of conclusions 15
Kauranen’s acid test Make a negation of the claim presented in the research study. If the negation does not make sense, then the value of the research study is questionable “If the company has a good leader, then the probability of success is higher.” “If the company does NOT a good leader, then the probability of success is higher.” 16
Example of conclusions of a doctoral dissertation “Company management … need(s) to … understand the factors that impact on the success of xxx type of companies…” “In addition, (the management) is not fully aware of the impact of the success factors.” 17
NEGATION of the conslusions of a doctoral dissertation “Company management … DOES NOT NEED to … understand the factors that impact on the success of xxx type of companies…” “In addition, (the management) is FULLY aware of the impact of the success factors.” 18