I can greet my teacher and introduce myself. Me llamo…
I can tell the day of the week and give the date. Hoy es… Es el # de month
I can ask for and give the time. ¿Qué hora es? Es la una… Son las…
I can ask what the weather is like and describe the weather. ¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace…
I can tell what I like to do in my free time. Me gusta…
I can describe my personality. Soy… (adjective agreement!)
I can describe what one of my friends is like. Mi amigo/a es… Él es / Ella es… Pablo/Lola es… (adjective agreement!)
I can describe a class that I like and explain why. Me gusta la clase de…porque es…
I can describe a class that I don’t like and explain why. No me gusta la clase de…porque es…
I can tell what I need for my classes. Necesito…
I can describe where 2 objects are located in the classroom. El sacapuntas está encima de la mesa…
I can ask where something is located. ¿Dónde está…
I can tell what I typically eat/drink for breakfast. En el desayuno como…y bebo…
I can tell what I typically eat/drink for lunch. En el almuerzo como…y bebo…
I can describe 1 food that is good for your health and 1 food that is bad for your health. La fruta es buena para la salud y las grasas son malas. (ser & adjective agreement!)
I can describe what I do to stay healthy. Corro, como… (multiple activities listed all are in the yo form)
I can give recommendations about what others should do to stay healthy. Creo que tú debes… (One/Two verb rule debes is conjugated, whatever you put after it is NOT) The prompt says recommendations be sure to give more than 1!!
I can say where I go on weekends and with whom. Voy al/a la… con… (extra details: when, to do what, etc)
I can say where I go on weekends and what I do there. Voy al/a la… para + infinitive (extra details: when, with whom, etc.)
I can ask where someone is going. ¿Adónde vas?