Committee on Earth Observation Satellites CEO Team Plenary Agenda Item #6 29 th CEOS Plenary Kyoto International Conference Center Kyoto, Japan 5 – 6 November 2015 CEOS 3-Year Work Plan
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“[Sets] forth near- term objectives and deliverables designed to achieve the goals outlined in the CEOS Strategic Guidance document”
Focus on objectives and deliverables associated with timescales and assigned responsibilities Provide sound and shared basis for measuring our progress in a multiannual perspective Shall be consistent with and mutually supporting of other CEOS guiding doc uments Updated annually by the CEO under the guidance of the CEOS Chair In consultation with: - the CEOS SIT Chair - CEOS Secretariat - CEOS Working Groups - Virtual Constellations - Ad Hoc Teams - CEOS membership at large - CEOS’s external stakeholders The document
Objectives/deliverables under ten thematic areas Climate Monitoring, Research, and Services Carbon Observations, Including Forested Regions Observations for Agriculture Observations for Disasters Observations for Water Capacity Building, Data Access, Availability and Quality Advancement of the CEOS Virtual Constellations Support to Other Key Stakeholder Initiatives Outreach to Key Stakeholders Organizational Issues The target How do we track? Also enables tracking of sub ‘actions’ – like Carbon Actions Regular reports from VC, WGs and other CEOS Entities
Due by Q Due by Q Completed or on track 3914 Material delays 92 No progress or other issues 13 No update21 How are we tracking? Updates will be provided under relevant topics. We won’t steal their thunder.
Timeline for work plan update CEOS-29 v0 Updated Priorities Status Updates V0.5Pre-V1V1.0 NowLate Nov 15Late Jan 16Mid Feb 1628 Feb 16 Milestone Changes Add/Remove Objectables Plenary Outcomes Revise Rationale Refinement Validation Concurrence CEO Team Chair Team WGs/VCs/AHTs Stakeholders WGs/VCs/AHTs CEO Team SEC Principals (Virtual Endorsement) New Initiatives Discontinued Objectables Major Slips