SMEE by A. M. Burrage
PLOT: This history began with some people who wanted to play a game, at first, they decided to play “hide and seek”, but one of them, whose name was Jackson Sangston said that he wasn’t going to play that game, his friends asked him why, and he told them that in that house a girl has died when she was playing “hide and seek”. Everyone got a bit scared, so Jackson suggested another game called “Smee”, he explained that in this game, every player is given a sheet of paper. All the sheets except one are blank. On the last sheet of paper is written "Smee". Nobody knows who "Smee" is except "Smee" himself. Then they have turn out the lights, and "Smee" hides. After a time the others go off to search for "Smee" When one player meets another he challenges him by saying, "Smee”, if he is the real "Smee" doesn't answer when someone challenges. The second player stays quietly beside him. This goes on until all the players are in the same place. The last one to find "Smee" has to pay a forfeit.
They began to play and once, the narrator thought that he found Smee, because he had touched a person, but the environment with that person was a bit strange, and he asked the person what her name was, and the person said that she was Brenda Ford, but then, another person found them and they were waiting the rest of players. After an hour more or less, the other players were searching them, so they went with them, and one player asked them where they have been, and the narrator said that they have been with a girl called Brenda Ford, and Jackson told them that it was impossible, the narrator said that he had touched her, so why couldn’t be Brenda Ford, and Jackson said that Brenda was the girl who had died in that house.
PERSONAL OPINION I liked this story because the author has known how tell us the history to scared us, because he described so good the house, characters, feelings of the narrator, and so on. But also, I think that this story is quite predictable, but nonetheless, the history scared me so much.
PLOT A man called Giles Hampton was spending a short holiday in Wales with his friend, whose name was Beverley, because he had a house there. Giles was very interesting in geology, and in that part of Wales the geology was very interesting. A few weeks later, Giles wanted to do an expedition, so he took necessary things, like his hammers and his notebook and he did his expedition, some hours later, he finished his work, so he wanted to came back to his friend’s house, but the weather change, and appeared mist that was thicker, so he couldn’t see anything, he began to walk, but he didn’t know where he was going, and then a man appeared in the mist, he was an old man, who was walking with his dog. Giles asked him how he could go to his friends house, and the old man gave him a map and told him how to go, Giles say thank you to the old man, but when he began to walk the man and the dog had disappeared, at the end Giles finished in the edge of a cliff.
One hour later Beverley’s servant found him, and they went to Beverley’s house. The servant told them that in that cliff there have been nasty accidents, and a young man has died there, because he used a very old map. When Giles heard that, he said to them that an old man had given him a map, he showed them, and it was a map of a man called Madog ap Rhys, Giles asked who was him, and the servant told him that it was an old man who always was with his dog, and the servant said that some people says that he still walks among the hills, helping lost travelers…
PERSONAL OPINION I liked this history but less than “Smee”, because in this story, the author has written a lot about the introduction but about the scary part, he has written not enough in my opinion. But this history, has scared me too.