Major States of Post-Classical India, AD
Ch. 16: India and the Indian Ocean Basin I. India A. From approx. CE 500 to CE 1500, A. From approx. CE 500 to CE 1500, India was divided into about 70 kingdoms. India was divided into about 70 kingdoms. Exception: temporary unification of Exception: temporary unification of northern India by King Harsha (CE 612- northern India by King Harsha (CE ). 648). B. Islam spread to India in the mid-7 th B. Islam spread to India in the mid-7 th century. The Umayyad dynasty century. The Umayyad dynasty established a province in northwest India established a province in northwest India called Sind (it was later controlled by the called Sind (it was later controlled by the
Abbasid dynasty until AD 1258). Abbasid dynasty until AD 1258). C. In the 11 th century AD, Mahmud of C. In the 11 th century AD, Mahmud of Ghazni (Turkish Muslim leader in Ghazni (Turkish Muslim leader in Afghanistan) mounted expeditions into Afghanistan) mounted expeditions into northwest India. His forces demolished northwest India. His forces demolished Hindu and Buddhist shrines and replaced Hindu and Buddhist shrines and replaced them with mosques. His successors them with mosques. His successors conquered Hindu kingdoms in northern conquered Hindu kingdoms in northern India and established the Sultanate of India and established the Sultanate of Delhi, which ruled until Delhi, which ruled until 1526.
D. During much of medieval India, the Chola D. During much of medieval India, the Chola (AD ) and Vijayanagar kingdoms (AD ) and Vijayanagar kingdoms (AD ) ruled in southern (AD ) ruled in southern India. India. E. The Bhakti movement (12 th C.) sought to E. The Bhakti movement (12 th C.) sought to combine aspects of the Islamic and Hindu combine aspects of the Islamic and Hindu faiths. faiths.
Major States of Post-Classical India, AD
Trading World of the Indian Ocean Basin, AD
II. Indian influence in southeast Asia. A. Funan (Cambodia/Vietnam) was a major A. Funan (Cambodia/Vietnam) was a major trade center between China and India trade center between China and India from AD 100 to AD 600. Merchants from AD 100 to AD 600. Merchants spread Hinduism and Buddhism. spread Hinduism and Buddhism. B. Srivijaya (AD ) was established B. Srivijaya (AD ) was established on Sumatra after the fall of Funan. on Sumatra after the fall of Funan. C. Angkor (AD ) was a kingdom C. Angkor (AD ) was a kingdom built by the Khmers. The monuments at built by the Khmers. The monuments at
Angkor Wat reflect the influence of Angkor Wat reflect the influence of Hinduism and Buddhism. Hinduism and Buddhism. D. The ruling princes of the kingdom of D. The ruling princes of the kingdom of Melaka (mid-14 th C to 1641) converted to Melaka (mid-14 th C to 1641) converted to Islam and ruled much of present-day Islam and ruled much of present-day Indonesia. Indonesia.
Angkor Wat
Early States of Southeast Asia: Funan and Srivijaya, AD
Later States of Southeast Asia: Angkor, Singosari, and Majapahit, AD