2011: the economic crisis and recession In the middle of 2011, the Italian economy has been involved in a financial crisis. The recession is still in progress (the second half of 2012) and there are no signs of ending. The crisis and the austerity policies are undermining the foundations of European construction itself. loss of competitiveness compared to the countries of Northern Europe (as in other Southern Mediterranean Countries) reduction in household consumption and reduction of manufacturing large decline in wages and salaries drastic reduction in the purchasing power of households increase in unemployment Current situation in Italy key points
Unemployment and the labor market in Italy. The current situation (2012) The number of unemployed in Italy amounted to million. On an annual basis the people looking for work increased by 33.6% (695,000 units). among the people who are looking for work now (third quarter 2012), the majority is composed of those who have lost their jobs in recent months (+48.1% ) decrease the full-time employees (-2.3%), particularly in the building and in business services the part-time employees continue to grow (+10.9%), but it is largely involuntary part-time, because they are workers who haven't found a full-time job. UNEMPLOYED Details on gender and geographical areas of Italy (absolute values in thousands) Males and Females MalesFemales Total (Italy) Northern Italy Central Italy South Italy In comparison to last year:
Employment in Italy: most critical economic sectors Service and trade sector shows a very small increase (+0.6%). In fact, there is a small increase in employee jobs, which is accompanied by a drastic self-employed decrease. Employment in industrial production has a new more robust downward trend (-2.2% in comparison to last year). Lowering of industry employment is present in all geographical areas and involving both employees and self-employed. There is a large reduction of employees in building (-5.1% in comparison to last year). This trend is very negative for Southern Italy economy.
Most vulnerable people in the labor market Fixed-term employees There is a significant increase in fixed-term employees (+4.5% compared to 2011), but only in part-time jobs. It took nearly 2/3 of workers under the age of 35 years. The growth of fixed-term employment is especially evident in agriculture, hotels and catering, health. The incidence of fixed-term employment on total employment is 10.7%. In the second quarter of 2012, fixed-term employees are 2 million 455 thousand, the highest level since If we add to the fixed-term employees also "atypical workers" there are almost three million Italian workers in a “precarious situation”. Details on working hours and type of job agreement (absolute values in thousands) Males and Females Total employees (Italy) Full time Part time3.977 Permanent employed (Total) Full time Part time2.443 Fixed-term employees (Total)2.455 Full time1.747 Part time707 Self-employees (Total)5.790 Full time4963 Part time827 Self-employees “atypical “462
Most vulnerable people in the labor market Foreign workers Foreign workers have a less critical than the negative trend of Italian workers. However, there are some elements that put foreigners at disadvantaged conditions: for example 6 of 10 foreign workers in Italy have lower wages to one thousand euro (for month). Young people Youth unemployment (15-24 age group), in September 2012 is 35.1%. (+ 4.7% compared to 2011). In the age group people looking for work are The workers under 35 years decreased by 20% in five years, for a total of one and a half million jobs in less. The "NEET" (Not in Education, Employment or Training) are about 22% of the population in age group.
Most vulnerable people in the labor market "Inactive" and "discouraged" The economic difficulties caused by the crisis stimulated the activity of many who were not interested in working, driving them to seek employment despite the negative trend in labor demand. The lack of opportunity due to an increase in "discouragement“ is a phenomenon that affects almost 1 million and 664 thousand people in Italy. Women The fewer opportunities for employment and lower wages of women are relevant causes of gender inequality. In the early months of 2012 in Italy there is a significant pay gap between men and women. Among the people who in recent months have lost their jobs there is a high percentage of women.
The labor market in the regional and local area The inhabitants of the Campania Region are about 6 million (data collected in 2011). They are 9.6% of the Italian population and 27.9% of the South Italian population. The inhabitants of the Caserta province are 916,467. The provinces of Naples and Caserta have the Italian record of highest young people percentage. (The rate of old age is the lowest in Italy). The local area analyzed, in which IFM Europa activities take place, is in the South of Italy (NUTS ITF), in the Campania region (NUTS ITF3) and in particular in the province of Caserta (NUTS ITF31).
Employment in Campania region Campania is very far from the target set by the Europe 2020 strategy, which aims at an employment rate ( age group) to 75%. In Campania the employment rate is 39.6% (data collected in 2012), seventeen points lower than the national average. Absolute values in thousands Working age groupEmployees People looking for work June 2011June 2012June 2011June 2012June 2011June 2012 Campania
Critical issues in: Young people NEET In Campania young people NEET are 35.2% of the population aged In Italy the percentage is 22%. Female employment In Campania there is the lowest female employment rate in Italy. Only 20.4% of women of working age is employed. (In Pakistan there is a similar percentage). People seek work Campania ( ) absolute values in thousands PROVINCES IN CAMPANIA Caserta 35,936,328,423,927,822,726,637,3 Benevento 13,913,711,39,710,411,111,410,1 Napoli 211,1182,6152,3123,1137,5136,7145,7166,5 Avellino 18,020,716,715,116,312,819,021,5 Salerno 47,649,247,245,650,056,455,652,6 TOTAL IN CAMPANIA 326,4302,5255,9217,5241,9239,8258,2288,0 Employment in Campania
Employment in the province of Caserta (2011) Employment rate: in recent years, the employment rate in the province of Caserta was very low, with a significant gap compared to the Italian average. In 2011, the employment rate in the province of Caserta is 37.8%, the national average was 56.9%. Province of Caserta Employment rate (percentages)
Employment in the province of Caserta (2011) The causes of low employment very low rate of "active persons” (employed + unemployed) 51.4% high unemployment rate 13.6% It means that in the province of Caserta 49.6% of the population of working age is not active. The national average is 34%. Regional average is 44.5% Undeclared work High percentage of people who give up looking for job, because of the difficulties and unsatisfactory results
Employment in the province of Caserta (2011) Employment of foreigners : The percentage of foreigners who work in the province of Caserta is very low. They are only 3.8% of total Caserta's workers Local and foreign employer Percentage in Caserta, Campania and South of Italy Foreign workers Italian workers
Youth Unemployment: The percentage of NEET in Caserta province is among the highest in Italy. The 33.9% of Caserta's young people ( age group) hasn't a job and isn't involved in any education or training course Rate of NEET (15-29 years) in Campania 2010 (percentages) MALEFEMALETOTAL CASERTA32,135,733,9 Benevento27,026,616,8 Napoli33,643,538,5 Avellino20,827,924,2 Salerno27,727,627,7 Campania31,137,534,2 ITALIA19,324,922,1 Employment in the province of Caserta (2011)
Female employment: A recent study showed that the inactivity rate of women living in the province of Caserta is 70.7% Old habits of single income family Perspective of employment with poor remuneration and discontinuous. Lack of demand for qualified female job A welfare system unsustainable for women Employment in the province of Caserta (2011)
Caserta’s labour market : outlook in short term (last quarter 2012) Employment forecasts for the last quarter of 2012: In the province of Caserta are planned recruits. There is a large reduction both in seasonal and no seasonal recruit Employment forecasts (last quarter of 2012) Absolute value Province of Caserta South Italy8.600 Italy
Caserta’s labour market: outlook in short term (last quarter 2012) Economic sectors that offer employment opportunities The industrial sector offers opportunities in building (27% of total recruitments planned) and in food production (12% of total recruitments planned). The service sector offers opportunities in trade activities (15% of total recruitments planned) and in activities concerning tourism and catering (10% of total recruitments planned).
Mrs. Elisabetta Leone Vice-President Informamentis Europa Mail: Facebook: Informamentis Europa Skype: ifm_europa_leone THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION!