Parliamentary Procedure. Have you ever experienced… o Meetings that seem endless because the business could have been completed hours ago? o Confusion.


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Presentation transcript:

Parliamentary Procedure

Have you ever experienced… o Meetings that seem endless because the business could have been completed hours ago? o Confusion as to what exactly is being discussed and voted on? o Irritation because one person or a small group of people dominate a meeting? o The feeling that you never get your voice heard in group discussion?

Reasons for Using Parliamentary Procedure… Focus on one thing at a time. No more than one issue will be discussed Extend courtesy to everyone. All members have an opportunity to participate Observe the rule of the majority. No group decision is granted without majority Ensure the rights of the minority. All members have equal access to decision- making

What is Parliamentary Procedure A predetermined set of “rules” that will be used to “govern” the way business will be conducted. Robert’s Rules of Order A book of parliamentary law A system of procedures that allows an organization to effectively conduct its official business in a fair and democratic manner

What is a Quorum? A Quorum is when 2/3rds or more of active membership is present and the organization can conduct business.

What is a Majority? Simple Majority- 1/2 of the voters present, plus one voter (A little more than 50% of the voters) Two-Thirds Vote- Two-thirds of the voters present (A little more than 66% of voters) What is a Minority? A minority is the remaining group of voters present.

The Five Methods of Voting… 1. Voice Vote Yes votes say “Aye”… No votes say “No” 2. Show of Hands Each member will raise their hand for either a yes vote or a no vote when the chair calls for it. 3. Rising Vote Stand Up for your vote- Yes or No Used in taking a 2/3 vote and when retaking a voice vote when someone has called Division of the House.

Voting Methods Continued… 4. Secret Ballot In taking a vote by ballot, everyone gets to vote, including the presiding officer (unless the organization has a rule that states differently). Each vote is recorded on a piece of paper and placed inside of a ballot box. 5. Roll Call Each member is called upon individually and their vote taken and recorded.

The Gavel… The Unspoken Language of The Gavel… One Tap- Follows completion of an item or business or announcement of adjournment Signals members to be seated

The Gavel… The Unspoken Language of The Gavel… Two Taps- Calls a meeting to order!

The Gavel… The Unspoken Language of The Gavel… Three Taps- Signals members to stand. Series of Taps- Restores Order

What is a motion? Presents a new idea or item of business. Only 1 at a time A motion is: debatable, amendable, requires a second, and majority vote.

Steps in Making a Motion 1. Raise your hand or address the presiding officer. 2. Chair recognizes you and says you can speak stand up and say: I move toI move that… Madam (or Mr.) President, I move to… or I move that… 3. Sit down after you make the motion 4. The motion will need a second (another member of the organization who agrees with the motion that was made.)

Making a Motion Continued… 5. The President will repeat the motion and place it before the assembly by stating: It is moved and seconded that…. Is there any discussion? 6. Members discuss the motion by raising your hand, being recognized by the chair and given the floor. 7. The presiding officer takes a vote by stating: All those in favor say “Aye”. Those opposed say “no” And then….

Final How-To Slide… 8. The President will announce the vote and whether the motion is adopted or defeated. 9. If the motion is approved they will say… The ayes have it, and the motion is carried. We will … (President will usually assign the task to a committee at this time. 10. If the motion fails they will say… The noes have it, and the motion is lost.

Commonly Used Motions 1. Main Motions- 2. Amendments- By Addition, Substitution or Striking Out 3. Previous Question 4. Division of House 5. Refer to committee- 6. Point of order- 7. Suspend the Rules- 8. Adjourn-

Amendment “I move to amend by…” A motion can be changed or modified. Three ways to present an amendment: 1. By addition 2. By substitution 3. By striking out Requires a second

Previous Question “I move the previous question” Meaning: to stop discussion Debate: None Amend: No Vote: Yes, 2/3 Second: NO

Division of the House “Division” Meaning: to get a counted vote Debate: No Amend: No Vote: No Second: No

Refer to a Committee “I move to refer this motion to a committee to report at our next meeting.” Meaning: Places the motion in a committee Debate: Yes Amend: Yes Vote: Yes, Majority Second: Yes

Point of Order “I rise to a point of order” Meaning: Used to correct a parliamentary procedure mistake. Debate: No Amend: No Vote: No Second: No

Adjourn “I move to adjourn.” Meaning: to close the meeting Debate: No Amend: No Vote: Yes, Majority Second: Yes.

The End… Lets work together to Fill in our Table of Motions Worksheet! (We will go through each answer as a class)

Now Lets Make Trail Mix! Is anyone allergic to nuts? Each ingredient will be added to the bowl as motions are properly made. Honey nut cheerios, raisins, peanuts, m&m’s, pretzels, gummy worms, and yogurt. Once completed we can enjoy a snack! “I move…” Discuss Vote “Aye or No”

Motions to Complete  Main Motion  Amend  Refer to a Committee  Previous Question  Adjourn *use your Parli Pro Worksheet