AGENDA Purpose and Background Links to Reemployment vs. RESEA Funding Benefits of Group Sessions Next Steps
RESEA Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment Selected claimants participate in reemployment services and a UI eligibility review process Orientation One-on-One Appointment Track data in Connecting Colorado (and CUBS) Connecting Colorado communicates participant information to the Division of UI Funding Available
PURPOSE Engage customers in reemployment activities earlier in the claim cycle Participants find new work more successfully and quickly Learn about workforce services Dislocated Worker and workforce program recruitment tool Continued UI eligibility Provide assistance to individuals that are most likely to exhaust their unemployment benefits Reduce duration on unemployment Continued UI eligibility review questionnaire UI work-search log review UI work-search video (continuity)
BACKGROUND Similar Start - Links to Reemployment RESEA required activities Complete all activities the same week as orientation One Stop and UI Funding available April 1, 2016 start (pending receipt of Federal NOO) 3,500 Completed RESEAs 3,200 - Local Area Estimates [Expenditure Authorization (EA)]
BACKGROUND Wagner-Peyser Act – One Stop Centers provide continued UI eligibility reviews and communications regarding the UI claimant status’ to the Division of UI Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1993 (P.L ; Sections 303(a)(10) 303(j) to Social Security Act) States must meet requirements as a condition of states receiving UI grants Identify which claimants will be likely to exhaust regular UI and will need job search assistance services to make a successful transition to new employment Refer claimants to reemployment services (WPRS and RESEA) Collect follow-up information relating to the services received
BACKGROUND 47 states already administering RESEA USDOL - continued focus on reemployment initiatives Optimize current practices, service models and initiatives
IDENTIFYING CLAIMANTS - STATISTICAL ALGORITHM Model was designed by Economists at USDOL and CDLE-LMI, and by UI subject matter experts Colorado’s Worker Profiling Characteristics Base Period Earnings and Wage Replacement Rates Industry Workforce Center Registration Status Weekly Benefit Amounts Claimant Exhaustion Rates by Industry Other Earnings such as Pensions, Severance, or OASI
STATISTICAL ALGORITHM MODEL Claimants are scored to determine those most likely to exhaust UI benefits (26 weeks), with exceptions: Must have received a first payment from UI Hiring Hall status (16 weeks) Recall status (16 weeks) Other Earnings such as Pensions, Severance, or OASI UI rules changed and this factor is not counted in model now NOTE: Colorado plans to analyze data and factors for profiling model in the future. Meet USDOL requirements.
BUTTERFLY EFFECT – CHAOS THEORY In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a … system can result in large differences in a later state Wikipedia
BUTTERFLY EFFECT – CHAOS THEORY Multi-agency program coordination (WFC, WDP, UI, LMI, IT) Actions taken by one agency may have an impact to up/downstream systems and databases Customer Staffing Tracking and Reporting Intentional CC edit limitations Activities feed into federal reports Backdating is discouraged
WORKFORCE SYSTEM ROLES Encourage customer engagement Find reemployment through successful job readiness strategies Evaluate continued eligibility of UI claimants Recruit participants for WIOA, etc Track customer data in CC - program success Refer potential eligibility issues to UI Exclusions (NE service code) Potential Eligibility Issues (A&A ) (NE service code) No Shows (NS service code)
UI SYSTEM ROLES Reviewing CC screens Display Services Screen (related activities) CC Notes and services tell the story objectively Notes section will notify UI of any errors in reporting, and give additional input to reasons for a participant’s actions Adjudication – evaluation of referral for a good cause for non-compliance Does an A&A issue exist? Was there a good reason for the No Show? Improper referral
CDLE SYSTEM ROLES Design system for statewide access Monitor Analyze performance Federal reports Local input State input Process improvements RESEA and Links to Reemployment Quarterly Review Questionnaire
LINKS TO REEMPLOYMENT RESEA Links to Reemployment will continue, future phase out Local offices must participate in RESEA or Links to Reemployment Offices do not need to administer both but must do one Links to Reemployment (WP funded) Orientation Offer workforce referrals Record attendance RESEA (RESEA funded) Orientation Referral to reemployment/training services Record attendance Required activities RESEA Required Activities Updated CC registration Online assessment LMI/career information UI eligibility review Work-search log review Referral(s) Reemployment plan
FUNDING Annual Supplemental Budget Request (SBR) Calendar Year (CY) 2016 – January through December Plan to reach participant goals and spend all funding during the 2016 calendar year, even though funding period runs through March 2017 Survey of estimated cost per participant rate Statewide average and results of survey questions – completed by each Local Area and UI staffing needs $75 for each participant that has completed all activities How will funding be delivered? Notice of Funding Availability (NFA) Expenditure Authorization (EA) Reimbursement process – CLEAR and Demographics Report Upload two additional files from presentation (Funding Provisions and fiscal guidance)
FUNDING Can local offices serve more than projected on the Expenditure Authorization? YES Estimated participating offices ~3,200 participants (completed RESEAs) CDLE requested funding to serve 3,500 in 2016 Cushion for delays in USDOL SBR release of funding Shifting funds amongst Local Areas ( Fall)) Funding is available annually - beginning of each year EAs should list number of RESEAs (completed) (April – December, 2016) State Period of Performance: April 1 – December 31, 2016 Cushion: State obligation through March 31, 2017 for any remaining balance of RESEAs and funding Federal Period of Performance: January 1 – December 31, 2016 NOO – Federal obligation by September 30, 2017
NUMBERS AND PLANNING EA shall describe the schedule and number of orientations offered Constraints on UI staffing resources and workflow for RESEA and/or Links to Reemployment statewide First Year – Concentrate on providing quality services and developing a meaningful process for customers Staffing and Program Costs Directly associated with the delivery of RESEA services Mainly staff costs Workshops (allocation plan) USDOL/CDLE may request local allocation plan to justify all RESEA expenses
GROUP SESSIONS Streamline processes within local area – cost effective Pre- and post-orientation workshops for required activities Reduces individualized appointment time Examples: LMI/Career Information – demonstration on online resources and how to apply them to individual needs Connecting Colorado benefits Opportunity to complete all pre-orientation activities in resources center
FEDERAL REPORTING RESEA activities are tracked on a federal report Important to use the procedures described to record RESEA activities Record any communications and status changes to UI in ES public notes section RESEA Demographics Report covers workforce services information captured in Federal Report
PROCEDURES – IVR SELECTION Initial IVR Selection Process All customers invited must attend in-person (no distance waivers) WFCs can control location through zip-code filter, but cannot filter otherwise, with the exception of allowable exclusions Agent access to the UI Referred IVRs is limited Complete the IVR: - LOFF or Region - Number of Claimants - Date Letter Sent - Orientation Date/Time - Zip Code Filters (optional)
CONTROLLING CC IVR SETTINGS MIS managers (access to the Control ID) can add or remove staff access to the IVR system for reemployment programs Limit number of staff with access so system is used the way it was intended OTHER CONTROLS: INTENTIONAL LIMITATION: Back dates (of NE and NS service codes) should not occur
UCX – MILITARY CLAIM INVITATION AND SELECTION PROCESS: USDOL released guidance that targets claimants most likely to exhaust their unemployment benefits, AND the UCX claimant population UCX claimant are veterans who have recently separated from a military service position (determined by UI) UCX column on the invitation/selection process Encourage Local Areas to serve all UCX participants identified, no matter where they fall on the list Priority of Service and WF triage occurs at time of orientation – applies to access to services, 1:1 appointment and additional referrals
ORIENTATION LETTER Use this UI approved template Participant’s contact info Location, time and date info Length of meeting Including 1:1 if on same day
UI WORK-SEARCH VIDEO ONLINE LINK: Or English: Spanish: UPDATE 14:51 minutes Download
RESEA ACTIVITIES Orientation (In-person required) Workforce reemployment services UI eligibility video Updated Connecting Colorado registration Individualized LMI and career resources information Complete online assessment & review results with WFC Referral to a reemployment or training service UI eligibility and work-search log review (1:1 required) Development of Individualized Reemployment Plan (1:1 required)
A0 SERVICE SCREEN A0 service code auto-populates after IVR selection submission Displays RESEA activities Exceptions for Potential Eligibility Issues (NE Service Code) Exceptions for Exclusions (NE Service Code) Must enter NE code manually (separate from A0 screen) Most notes can be stored on the A0 screen Most activities lock on the Friday after the orientation Same week Referral completion date stays open (9 months - WF will determine best practice for layout) NOTE: If not addressed, customers will receive a no show 9 months after orientation week
A0 SERVICE SCREEN Displays RESEA activities Remind until and Agent ID adjustment IVR activities auto-populates Invitation referral date Exclusion info Date/time of orientation Attendance Modify function for reschedules and other fields Track completion date for each activity
REQUIREMENTS All RESEA required activities must be completed the same week as the orientation Any missed activities will be referred to UI (Friday 6 PM), if “date completed” field is not filled out Activities shall be recorded the day they occur (to avoid misreporting info to UI)
DATA ENTRY ERRORS When a data entry error is made and not caught until the next day, all corrections must be made through ES notes (no back dating) Butterfly Effect: Modifying reemployment program service codes and data in Connecting Colorado can have a direct impact to UI processes and accurate federal reporting UI has a process to make changes related to human error that will be tracked in the CUBS system ES notes and service codes help to determine the appropriate actions taken by UI Tells the story
DATA ENTRY ERRORS Be sure to take attendance the day of the scheduled orientation – on Attendance Worksheet Otherwise, each individual will be referred to UI as a no show that evening Non-Attendance, Potential Eligibility Issues and Exclusions are referred to UI in the evening they are recorded in Connecting Colorado Backdating creates errors and reporting discrepancies
DEMOGRAPHICS REPORT Data collected for federal reports and for collecting characteristics of RESEA population Used to calculate the # of RESEAs completed
STATEWIDE TRAINING March 1, 2016 – RESEA Overview for Managers, leads and operators on RESEA Including information on EA process March 17, 2016 – Procedural training for frontline WFC representatives and supervisors who will administer RESEA March 31, 2016 – UI eligibility review questionnaire training April 14, 2016 – identifying and referring potential A&A issues to UI NOTE: All training sessions will be recorded and posted in the Reemployment and UI Partnership Initiatives team room in E-Colorado
NEXT STEPS April 1, 2016 – First time a Local Area may pull a RESEA IVR for selection (pending receipt of Federal NOO) Review DRAFT PGL for additional details not covered in this presentation Prepare Now Orientation materials Pre/Post workshops, optional Familiarize staff with required activities Communicate reschedule process with front desk and others who may receive a request to reschedule an orientation (how to reschedule and when to record a potential eligibility)
QUESTIONS Sue Rusch Courtney Popp RESEA or Links specific questions for UI: Include Mask ID, last name and RESEA or Links in Subject Line (if claimant-specific question)