K-2 Read-Aloud Lesson February 17-20, Nominee
…make inferences based on details in the movie and book. … synthesize ideas from two different formats (movie vs. book). …share my ideas clearly in discussion and build onto the ideas of my classmates. I can…
Recall: Children’s Book Award Nominees We’ve Read Together In which genre, or category, did we say this book belongs? Fiction
Recall: Children’s Book Award Nominees We’ve Read Together In which genre, or category, did we say this book belongs? Fiction
Recall: Children’s Book Award Nominees We’ve Read Together In which genre, or category, did we say this book belongs? Realistic Fiction
Meet the Author and Illustrator William Joyce Wrote his first book in 4 th grade His picture books include:
Meet the Author and Illustrator William Joyce His book series Guardians of Childhood inspired:
Meet the Author and Illustrator William Joyce And, he created these guys:
A Movie Based on a Book??? That’s right! The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore was a short film before it was made into a picture book. The film, which we are about to watch, was so successful (winning an Academy Award) that a book was created.
Inference: an educated guess or a conclusion based on details from the story or film Word Power!
Make Inferences While Watching the Film:
Who was the lady you see flying in the first part of the film? Why do you think her picture was on the wall in the house? How did Morris Lessmore feel when he had a book? Why were some images in black and white and others color? What kind of relationship did Morris have with the books? Specifically the Humpty Dumpty book? What was Mr. Lessmore writing throughout the film? What was happening at the end of the film? Where did Mr. Lessmore go? How did you feel when he left? Who was the little girl that showed up at the end? What do you think will happen to her? What do You Think?
Synthesize: combining ideas from different sources of information Word Power!
Now, Let’s Read the Book Don’t forget to synthesize the information from the book with the inferences you made while watching the movie.
Images were retrieved using Creative Commons search (images can be copied, modified, distributed, and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking for permission as indicated by the Creative Commons license). Images were retrieved using Creative Commons search (images can be copied, modified, distributed, and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking for permission as indicated by the Creative Commons license). Blendspace. 'The Fantastic Flying Books Of Mr. Morris Lessmore' Web. 15 Feb The Guardians of Childhood Books. 'The Guardians Of Childhood: William Joyce' Web. 15 Feb Jane, Chandra. 'The Fantastic Flying Books Of Mr. Morris Lessmore'. C. Jayne Teach Web. 15 Feb