May 14, 2013
How long does it take for a planet to orbit around the sun?
One year
Why does the earth experience different seasons?
Because the earth is tilted, allowing more hours of direct sunlight in the summer. Fewer hours of sunlight occur during the winter.
Describe the orientation of the sun, earth, and moon during a lunar eclipse.
What phase is the moon during a lunar eclipse?
Full Moon
Why don’t we see a lunar eclipse during every full moon?
The moon is not perfectly aligned on the same plane as the sun and earth. The moon generally passes by the earth at an angle, allowing use to see a full moon. When perfectly aligned with the sun and earth, the earth blocks the light from the sun.
What is a spring tide?
Very high and very low tides.
What causes spring tides?
When the sun, earth and moon are in full moon or new moon phases (aligned in a straight line). Sun EarthMoon
What are neap tides?
Very little difference between high and low tides.
During what moon phase do we see neap tides?
When the sun, earth and moon are in first quarter or last quarter moon phases (sun and moon pulling at different angles. Moon Sun Earth
The earth is a transparent, translucent, or opaque sphere?
The earth rotates on its axis towards the North, south, east, or west?
Does the moon create its own source of light?
No – it reflects light from the sun. The sun is a luminous source of light.
Which scientist described gravity as - a curvature of space around an object that affects the path of other objects traveling in space?
Albert Einstein
What is weight?
The amount of gravity on an object.
What is mass?
The amount of matter within an object.
Why does the moon rise 50 minutes later each day?
As the moon orbits around the earth, the earth is rotating on its axis. In order for the moon to return to the same position on the earth, it must travel a little bit farther due to the rotation.
What two factors is surface gravity dependent upon?
Mass and radius
What is a sidereal month?
The amount of time it takes for the moon to travel completely around the earth.
What is a synodic month?
The times it takes for the moon to complete a full phase cycle.
Which is longer – synodic month or sidereal month?
Synodic month
What is an annular eclipse?
A ring formed around the moon because the orbit of the moon is not completely circular. It occurs when the moon is slightly farther from the earth, which leaves the sun looking bigger than the moon, creating the ring around the moon.
The force of gravity between two objects is directly related to what?
The product of their masses Inversely related to the square of the distance between the center of the two objects.
Which Apollo mission brought the first man to the moon?
Apollo 11 with Neil Armstrong
Why do the phases of the moon occur?
We view the moon from different angles, which changes the illuminated area that we can see.