The Cold War
?????????? ? THE ?? BIG ? ?????????? ? QUESTION ? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? Who do you think won the Space Race?
It was a competition between the U.S.A & the U.S.S.R over space flight supremacy.
1.A nation can be attacked from Space … intercontinental ballistic missiles!!! 2. Space technology is a great spy tool to watch your enemies. 3.Keep up the Gun Show and prove to the rest of the world you’re the strongest superpower
GUESS WHO? First Satellite in Space? 1957 Soviet Union launches Sputnik 1958 U.S.A launches Explorer 1
GUESS WHO? First Living thing in Space? Nov – Soviet Union launched Laika into orbit 1947 U.S.A sends Fruit Flies into Space
GUESS WHO? First Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles? 1957 Soviet Union launches 1 st ICBM 1958 U.S.A launches a ICBM
GUESS WHO? First Object on the Moon? 1959 the Soviet Union lands Luna 2 on the moon 1962 U.S.A lands Ranger 4 on the moon
GUESS WHO? First man in Space? April 1961 – Soviet Union sends Yuri Gagarin into orbit May 1961 – U.S.A sends Alan B. Shepard into Space
GUESS WHO? First Person on the Moon? Never!!! 1969 – U.S.A sends Apollo 11 into space, Neil Armstrong & Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin.
GUESS WHO? First Photo of Earth from Space? 1966 – 1 st Soviet Televised Image of Earth from Space 1959 – U.S.A takes the 1 st image of Earth from Space
GUESS WHO? First Woman in Space? 1963 – 1 st Woman into Space - Valentina Tereshkova 1983 – U.S.A sends their 1 st Woman into Space – Sally Ride
GUESS WHO? First Country to send something to another Planet? 1966 – Soviet Union lands a probe on Venus U.S.A has sent stuff to Mars
GUESS WHO? First Space Station? 1971 – Soviet Union sends up 1 st space station 1973 – U.S.A sends their 1 st Space Station into Space - Skylab
1975 – The U.S.A & U.S.S.R decide to start working together in space exploration and research Apollo-Soyuz Mission – U.S.A space craft Apollo docked with the Soviet Soyuz space craft.
Who do you think won the Space Race? Give me 2 reasons