LOGO PROJECT ENTER.HUB LAP peer reviews. Final integration workshop, Łódź, PL 9th – 10th of October, 2014
1. Legitimacy - Implementation 2. Meet all the stakeholders to present their the LAP officially after finalizing (mail to the coordinator responsible), also the architects of the project “Gare, coeur d’agglo”
14 since 2013 Before each workshop 6 persons for each group (human capital and mobility Universities GARE, CŒUR D’AGGLO DDT Oise-la-Vallée DREAL EPFLO Employment center CCLVD PSO Neighbouring municipality communities IUT UTC Civil society SODA Employment stakeholders ULSG PARTNERSHIP PROTOCOL CAC Creil Nogent-sur-Oise Conseil Général Conseil Régional SMTCO SNCF RFF Development Council
1. City context
2. Theme Human Capital Bad attractivity High unemployment Many different cultures Poor synergy between the stakeholders Inadequation between people and jobs
2. Theme Human Capital The hard = Master plan The soft = LAP -District of the culture : master plan must add on it -Creative spaces (art, entrepreneurship, exchanges, research) : beginning in Platform grouping devices in creating : beginning in 2015
2. Theme Mobility Complexity and multiple actors Leading car use Good rail infrastructure Less quality of the public spaces Congestion
2. Theme Mobility The hard = Master plan The soft = LAP -Diagnosis walking : in Walking tours commented : not yet decided -Creation of a coordinating committee of supply : Reflection on the prospects for Roissy hub and for the star : 2014
6. Risk analysis Type of riskCategorisationSteps to be taken to mitigate probability and impact OperationalMediumensure follow-up action FinancialHighIntegration to the financial programs LegalLow StaffingHighconvinced of the interest of equity TechnicalLow BehaviouralMediummake teaching and offer added value to behavior change
Conclusions -ULSG : meetings, work habits, different views, colaboration, stakeholder and problem identification, articulation scale, methodology, freedom, inhabitants are in the centre of the reflections… -Difficulties in linking Local and transnational exchanges. How do the other partners ? -PAL : requires a significant investment in time including How do you manage it ? -Legitimacy to implement the PAL ? Which links between the PAL and the Masterplan? -Reflection to the sustainability of the ULSG : new themes (particularly participation) Do other partners think on it ?