21 st Century America U.S. History
A Changing Society Technological Revolution Increased PC ownership during the 1990s and 2000s Rise of the Internet and World Wide Web revolutionize our society Rise of a Global Economy Free trade (C) + technological revolution= new global marketplace World economies are linked, benefiting and hurting American citizens A New Wave of Immigrants New immigration laws in 1965 and 1986 open the door to immigrants (L) Cultural diversity is increased, but immigration is lessened after 9/11 attacks
The Clinton Years Achievements Family Medical Leave Act becomes law (L) Raised taxes on wealthy to cut the deficit (L) Passed Welfare Reform Act (C) Balanced the Federal Budget (C) Used American troops in Bosnia to end the civil war and ethnic cleansing. (M) Acquitted by the Senate during Impeachment trial. Failures National Health Care Program fails (L) Impeached on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice.
Effects of the Attacks of 9/11 Initial Responses Outpouring of support to people of New York President Bush declares a global war on terror Congress passes the Patriot Act which gives FBI additional powers to prevent another attack in the United States (L) Lasting Impact Congress creates the Department of Homeland Security (C) The U.S. invades Iraq to destroy its weapons of mass destruction (U) Insurgency begins in Iraq, lengthening U.S. involvement in the country
Key Vocabulary Words in this Unit Political Ideology Liberal Conservative Immigration Globalization Terrorism Foreign Policy Unilateral Multilateral 9/11 Attacks Al Qaeda Immigration Act of 1965 Migration Chains Federal Budget