The Dreamtime Creation story
In the beginning there was land, but it was flat and bare. Nothing grew there nor lived Nothing grew there nor lived.
Baiame, the Maker of Many Things saw this and he brought the Dreamtime Ancestors from under the ground and over the seas.
The Dreamtime Ancestors looked like animals or people and they could change their shape. A Crocodile could look like a man, a woman or like a croc.
The Dreamtime Ancestors started exploring the land.
They had many adventures, they met many other ancestors and every meeting shaped the land
and changed it into hills, valleys or plants.
The beginning of rivers gave
the Barramundi Fish or the Rainbow Snake
when they got angry with the Ancestors.
Rocks and hills were made from bones of the Ancestors eaten up by the Rainbow Snake.
But some people say that the Rainbow Snake was an Old Woman who taught them to talk and to understand, taught them how to look for food and what to eat.
The stars, the sun and the moon appeared because Emu Ancestor and Eagle Ancestor were fighting.
Eagle took one of Emu’s eggs and threw into the air. It burst into flames and Baiame liked the fire. He brought more wood and until today he brings wood for the sun to burn.
The Dreamtime Ancestors live in the land they made.
They taught people how to perform ceremonies
and they help people as totems.
Every time ceremonies are performed, Dreamtime comes back again. It is never over.