Behaviour Watch
What is it? Behaviour Watch is an electronic system that allows us to track all pupils at St Gregory’s. Using the system consistently will allow us to keep a log of all aspects of a pupils time in school. Staff will use Behaviour Watch for 2 main reasons, either: - To log a negative incident. To log a positive incident.
Why? Behaviour Watch will allow us to record evidence of what a pupil is doing at St Gregory’s (the good & the bad). If the parents of a pupil are to be informed of an incident or an achievement then we will have the evidence recorded to back this up. The information on Behaviour Watch can be shared with your parents, initially through Pupil Progress Manager discussions & in the future by parental access to the system.
Credits & Rewards Behaviour Watch works using a points system. Points are given to pupils for positive actions. Points are taken away for negative actions/incidents. You will all start every day with a number of points in the system that reflect the 6 credits that you have at the start of each day. If a star is removed the points will be taken away for that lesson. If you do something in a lesson that a member of staff gives you a reward for then points will be added to your total.
Incidents over time Change groupings – day, week, month, term, academic year. Change chart type – bar, line & area charts Average & overall total displays
Behaviour Radar Provides a data dashboard view of the filters chosen Possible filters that can be set
Group Report Filters can be changed to show different groups of pupils.
What do you get Stars for? In school pupils can receive stars for a variety of reasons Staff will award 1 or 2 stars per lesson These stars will be totalled and pupils will be put into prize draws with the points they have gained minus points lost. Rewards for SEAL and Random acts of kindness cards are also logged on the system
Stars and Values
Weekly Competition
What Rewards? Weekly competition between forms (Cups for yrs7-9) End of Year Reward Trips points needed!! Ten Pin Bowling Passes Go Karting Passes Free End of Year trip/fast pass/prom tickets Warrington Wolves family match ticket Other spot prizes where appropriate
How Often Rewards will be awarded every week with the cup for years 7-9 Prizes every half term for clear respect cards The top group of students will be entered into a draw for the rewards in each year group every term For larger prizes the top groups of students in the school will be entered in the draw (Warrington Wolves Ticket)