Elements and Periodic Table 8 th grade 100 200 400 300 400 Choice1Choice 2Choice 3Choice 4 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.


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Presentation transcript:

Elements and Periodic Table 8 th grade

Choice1Choice 2Choice 3Choice

Row 1, Col 1 Materials that are ductile can…... Can be pulled into a long wire.

1,2 More than half of the nonmetal elements are……. Gasses

1,3 Where an element is located on the periodic table, you can predict its _______________. Properties

1,4 Protons, electrons, and neutrons have what kind of charge. positive, negative, none

2,1 The periodic table is organized by…… atomic number

2,2 The horizontal rows on the periodic table are called…… periods

2,3 The number of protons equals the number of ……… electrons

2,4 Metals and nonmetals share the same characteristics with this group of elements. metalloids

3,1 These are elements that do not normally form compounds. noble gasses

3,2 Iodine and chlorine are in this family. halogens

3,3 Protons and neutrons added together give you its….. atomic mass

3,4 Two metals mixed are called an… alloy

4,1 Elements have either 1 or 2 letters given to them called their……. chemical symbol

4,2 This group of metals are the most chemically reactive on the periodic table. group 1

4,3 Particles that are involved in the transfer of or sharing of atoms are called_______. valence electrons

4,4 The atomic number shows the number of ___________ in an atom. protons

5,1 Columns on the periodic table are called…... group or family

5,2 Draw the Bohr model of Si. (Silicon)

5,3 How are group 17 and Noble gasses alike? Same - Both nonmetal. Most are gasses. Different – halogens gain electron and noble gasses do not gain, lose, or share electrons.

5,4 Draw a Lewis structure of C, N, P. ?