DoW Work: Gender sensitive strategic planning Gender Focal Points and National Gender Machinery platforms Gender responsive budgeting DoW WORK: Engendering of Nine Point Plan Monitoring and Evaluation of economic empowerment of women through Nine Point Plan 2 Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women and Gender Equality SDG Aspiration 6, Action J NDP Chap 11 OUTCOME 13 A COMPREHENSIVE, RESPONSIVE AND SUSTAINABLE SOCIAL PROTECTION SYSTEM Sub-outcome 1&2 SDG 1, SDG 5 NDP Chap 15 OUTCOME 14 A DIVERSE, SOCIALLY COHESIVE SOCIETY WITH A COMMON NATIONAL IDENTITY Sub Outcome Aspiration 5 Action L SDG 10, SDG 5. NDP Chap 12 OUTCOME 3: ALL PEOPLE IN SOUTH AFRICA ARE AND FEEL SAFE Sub-outcome Aspiration 3 SDG 16, SDG 5 NDP Chap 3,4,6,9 OUTCOME 4 DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE GROWTH Sub-outcome Aspiration 1 Action C, D. SDG 8, SDG9, SDG 14, SDG 2, SGD 6, SDG 7, SDG 5. NDP Chap 10 OUTCOME 2 A LONG AND HEALTHY LIFE FOR ALL SOUTH AFRICANS Sub-outcome 9 SGD 3. SDG 5 NDP Chap 13 OUTCOME 12 AN EFFICIENT, EFFECTIVE AND DEVELOPMENT ORIENTED PUBLIC SERVICE Sub-outcome Aspiration 7 DoW WORK: SANAC work: Young women, pregnancy and education campaign DoW WORK: Improved provision of childcare to support women’s socio-economic empowerment Improved recognition of productive contribution of housework and community care work DoW WORK: Improved integrated services for victims of sexual offences Implementation of Integrated PoA on Violence Against Women & Children DoW WORK: Women’s Month,; Young women work exposure; International Women’s Day; #365 Days for No Violence; 16 Days of Activism against Violence Against Women & Children National Dialogues LOCATING DoW IN NDP, MTSF OUTCOMES, SDG GOALS, AND AGENDA 2063 GOALS
SUB-PROGRAMME STRUCTURE 4 Programme 3: Policy Stakeholder and Knowledge Management Sub-Programme: Research and Policy Analysis -Purpose: To promote the development of gender sensitive research and conduct policy analysis to intervene in transformation for socio-economic empowerment of women and gender equality.
Links to NDP & MTSF 5 NDP commitment: “transformation of the economy should involve the active participation and empowerment of women” informs one of the priority focus areas of DoW which is economic empowerment of women and financial inclusion of women NDP also states: “social, cultural, religious and educational barriers for women to enter the job market should be addressed. Concrete measures should be put in place to address these barriers”. In general, the sub-programme Research and Policy Analysis will analyse policies and legislations to identify gaps and weakness and undertake/ coordinate research as it pertains to women’s socio economic empowerment. This will cover concerns such as violence against women, women’s economic empowerment, women’s health, education and issues affecting young women.
Links to NDP & MTSF cont… 6 This is a broad scope of work covering many sectors. The work of the department will be to make available evidence-based research and policy recommendations to inform government’s planning, decision making, policy development and implementation. Given the department’s priority focus areas, the scope of this sub-programme has been narrowed down to focus on economic empowerment of women. Analysis of what concrete measures are put in place will be done to determine whether there is an impact on women’s economic empowerment. This entails looking at the employment of women, participation of women in the economy, increasing access to opportunities for women including for entrepreneurship development, SMMEs and Women’s Co-ops and education, training and skills development for women. Evidence based research and policy analysis on all government economic initiatives and incentive schemes as they pertain to women’s economic empowerment is critical and essential.
Links to NDP & MTSF cont… 7 Thus the Research and Policy Analysis is particularly focused on NDP chapters 3, 4, 6 and 9 and Outcome 4 on Decent Employment through Inclusive Growth (Sub-outcome 8). In addition, it seeks to address the AU Agenda 2063 Aspiration 1 actions C&D as well as SDGs 8, 9,14, 2, 6, 7 & 5. In this regard the sub-programme Research and Policy Analysis is honing in on government’s 9 point plan as it is meant to radically transform the economy; as well as looking at the benefits to women of government’s incentives schemes. For 2016/ 17, the focus of Research and Policy Analysis on the 9 point plan is particularly on Land Reform and Agri-Parks programmes while the incentives schemes will be analysed and a gender policy paper will be developed showing gender responsiveness and impact on women’s economic empowerment.
Research and Policy Analysis Activities: 2016/17 8 The Research and Policy Analysis has 4 activities for 2016/17 viz. - Research Analytical report on Land Reform and Agri-parks programmes -Research analytical reports on international commitments – Solemn Declaration update report -A five year research strategy on women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality in relation to 9 point plan -Gender policy paper on benefits to women of government incentives schemes in Agri-Parks and Land Reform as related to 9 point plan
Research and Policy Analysis Activities 1: 2016/17 9 Quarter 2-3 Research Analytical report on Land Reform and Agri-parks programmes: This output entails desktop literature review and analysis of policies related to land reform and agri-parks programme; (Quarter 1) The activities will also include site visits to agri-parks to determine best practices in terms of impact on women, (Quarter 1: KZN; Free State & Gauteng; North West, Mpumalanga & Western Cape; Northern Cape, Limpopo & Eastern Cape) Quarter 1; Quarter 2 and Quarter 4: Collaborate with the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform
Research and Policy Analysis Activities 1: 2016/17 10 Quarter 3 and Quarter 4; A research analytical report will be produced at the end of these activities in which policy and research recommendations are provided to the relevant stakeholders such as the Departments of Rural Development and Land Reform, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, other departments in the economic sector, the Agricultural Research Council, and on how these programmes can further benefit women. Envisaged impact: The concept of Agri-parks includes the element of value addition/ value chain which should provide ample opportunities for women to obtain jobs as well as participate in economic activities where they have ownership and control
Research and Policy Analysis Activities 2: 2016/17 11 Quarter 1: Research analytical reports on international commitments – Solemn Declaration update report Research analytical data and information on women’s socio-economic empowerment will be used to account on progress made on government’s commitments to international obligations. In 2016/17, the department is only responsible for 1 report in terms of compliance. However, there will be ad-hoc reporting through out the year as and when the request is made by the United Nations (General Assembly Resolutions), Commonwealth Secretariat, UN Economic Commission for Africa, and other departments meeting their international commitments.
Research and Policy Analysis Activities 3 : 2016/17 12 Quarter 1; Quarter 2 and Quarter 3: A five year research strategy on women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality in relation to 9 point plan A draft strategy was initiated in the previous fiscal year. (Quarter 4 of 2015/2016) Quarter 4: In this financial year, the strategy will be strengthened through consultations with institutions of higher education, research institutions, other relevant stakeholders as well as with gender - research specialists. The research strategy will outline the DoW’s role in guiding gender responsive research and includes the research agenda which is particularly focused on government‘s 9 point plan. The DoW will not undertake any specific research during this fiscal year. Envisaged Impact: The 9 point plan comprises areas of focus that are predominantly male oriented and gender responsive research data and information will provide relevant stakeholders with evidence to include women and ensure their maximum benefits and participation in the different areas of focus.
Research and Policy Analysis Activities 4 : 2016/17 13 Gender policy paper on benefits to women of government incentives schemes in Agri-Parks and Land Reform as related to 9 point plan This output is linked to output (i) above. (Quarter 1 on literature review and analysis and Quarters 1, 2, 3 & 4 on collaboration with Departments of Rural Development and Land Reform and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.) However, it is focused on analysing policies related to incentives schemes with particular emphasis on Land Reforms (Quarter 1) and Agri-parks (Quarter 3) It involves desktop literature review (Quarter 1 on land reform and 3 on Agri- parks), analysis (Quarters 1 & 3) and drafting of the gender policy papers (Land Reform in Quarter 2 and Agri-parks in Quarter 4). Envisaged impact: will be in the collaboration with relevant stakeholders on the recommendations of the policy paper and is therefore future oriented as it will highlight areas that needs to be strengthened for positive effect for women’s economic empowerment.
14 Outputs / Targets2016/17 Allocation-(R,000) Research Analytical report on Land Reform and Agri-parks programmes 383 Research analytical reports on international commitments – Solemn Declaration update report 0 five year research strategy on women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality in relation to 9 point plan 532 Gender policy paper on benefits to women of government incentives schemes in Agri-Parks and Land Reform as related to 9 point plan 228 TOTAL BUDGET1143 Research and policy Analysis: Budget Allocation: 2016/17
Monitoring and Evaluation Activities 2016/17 16 Monitoring and Evaluation unit monitors the implementation of government projects and programmes whether they are planned and implemented correctly and caters for women empowerment. Programmes and projects are there evaluated whether they make impact in the lives of women.
Monitoring and Evaluation Activities 2016/17 17 Informed by the mandate above, M&E has planned to action the mandate in the following manner; Quarter 1 (a) To develop a Monitoring and Evaluation system which the DoW will monitor progress made by Economic cluster departments on agreed government programmes and projects Time Frame: 2 nd Quarter
Monitoring and Evaluation Activities 2016/17 18 Quarter 2 (b) Assess and analyse Strategic Plans, Annual Performance Plans and budgets of economic cluster departments whether their plans address the mandate of the President 5 APP’s of sector departments will be assessed Time Frame: End of June (1 st Quarter)
Monitoring and Evaluation Activities 2016/17 19 Quarter 2 (d) Monitor Justice cluster on their planned programmes to eliminate gender based violence Process Plan to implement the indicator: Engage Civilian Secretariat of SAPS on the implementation of protection orders Purpose – To monitor how they manage the protection order process – To determine the challenges they come across so that we provide guidance on how they can address them Engage Department of Social Development on the implementation of South African Integrated Programme of Action addressing violence against women. Engage National Prosecuting Authority on prosecuted cases
Monitoring and Evaluation Activities 2016/17 20 Quarter 2 (e) Work closely with DPME and monitor quarterly performance reports of sector departments specifically to check progress made on women economic programmes
Monitoring and Evaluation Activities 2016/17 21 Quarter 3 (c) Provide feed back to the assessed economic cluster departments on findings and provide guidance on how they must improve their planning and implementation on identified gaps towards women economic empowerment. Also target to influence their planning for the next financial year informed by the interventions provided
Monitoring and Evaluation Activities 2016/17 22 Quarter 3 Engage Justice and analyse report on the integrated service for gender based survivors as part of monitoring the Sexual Offence Act
Monitoring and Evaluation Activities 2016/17 23 (f) On a quarterly basis, M&E will verify and validate performance information as submitted by these sector departments through site visits and write a report on the findings. The purpose of validation will be to determine what is planned and said to be achieved as far as women economic programmes is a reality on the ground (g) Bi-annually an impact analysis will be conducted to determine whether the planned programmes and projects have an impact or do make change in the lives of women in the country
Monitoring and Evaluation Activities 2016/17 24 Quarter 4 (h) An impact analysis report will be developed. The purpose of this impact analysis report will be for sector departments to use it as a baseline information and influence their planning for the next financial year to address the identified gaps towards improving women economic empowerment and where possible to influence amendments to certain policies.
25 Outputs / Targets2016/17 Allocation (R,000) (a) To develop a Monitoring and Evaluation system b) Assess and analyse Strategic Plans, Annual Performance Plans and budgets of economic cluster departments c) Provide feed back to the assessed economic cluster departments on findings and provide guidance (d) Monitor Justice cluster on their planned programmes to eliminate gender based violence (e) Work closely with DPME and monitor quarterly performance reports of sector departments (f) On a quarterly basis, M&E will verify and validate performance information (g) Conduct an impact analysis Bi-annualy (h) Develop an impact analysis report TOTAL M&E GOODS AND SERVICES BUDGETR Monitoring and Evaluation Budget Allocation: 2016/17
MANDATE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 27 BILATERAL RELATIONS International Relations coordinate and facilitate bilateral relations with Strategic Countries, Civil Society, Business Community and United Nations Entities to mobilize financial and technical resources to support the Department’s programs
MANDATE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 28 MULTILATERAL RELATIONS International Relations ensures coordination and facilitate the department’s optimal participation in Multilateral Forums for information sharing, learn best practices, know-how, share knowledge and experience on issues pertaining to the socio-economic empowerment of women and gender equality
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ACTIVITIES 2016/17 29 QUARTER 1: AU SUMMIT Convene Inter-departmental meeting for consultation with affected sector departments Circulate the Summit report for input and comments Convene Departmental preparatory meeting Circulate report for comments by external stakeholders Preparation of the Country Statement Coordinate and facilitate inputs for the Summit Documents Convene briefing meeting with Minister Develop draft report of the Summit Prepare briefing and speaking notes document for Minister Develop submission to submit the report for approval
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ACTIVITIES 2016/17 30 QUARTER 2: Preparation meeting for SADC ministers responsible for gender Convene a meeting with external stakeholder Convene Inter-departmental meeting for consultation with affected sector departments Develop submission to obtain approval for the department to participate Circulate meeting documents for inputs and comments Prepare briefing document for Minister Prepare briefing and speaking notes for Minister Arrange briefing meeting with Minister
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ACTIVITIES 2016/17 31 QUARTER 3: Preparations for the Sustainable Developmental Goals Convene stakeholder consultations workshops Circulate the Summit report for input and comments Prepare the Country Statement Coordinate and facilitate inputs for the Summit Documents Convene briefing meeting with Minister Develop draft report of the Summit Develop submission to submit the report for approval
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ACTIVITIES 2016/17 32 QUARTER 4: PREPARATIONS FOR CSW AND AU SPECIALISED TECHNICAL COMMITTEE ON GENDER Convene stakeholder consultations workshops Circulate the Outcomes documents for comments Coordinate Inter-departmental meetings to address agreed conclusions and country positions Develop country statements Convene delegates meeting in preparation to country participation Organise South Africa’s side events at CSW Coordinate bilateral Prepare country reports
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS BUDGET FOR 2016/17 33 Programmes QuarterBudget AU Agenda 2063 domesticated AU Summit preparation- Quarter United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 domesticated Preparation meeting for SADC ministers responsible for gender Quarter SDGs domesticated UNCSW preparation Quarter UN-CSW preparation AU Specialised Technical Committee (STC) Quarter TOTAL BUDGETR
STAKEHOLDER AND OUTREACH PROGRAMMES FOR 2016/ th anniversary Build up Programmes – Quarter 1:Focus on young women in village and township Intergenerational Dialogue on the role of women in liberation struggle& recognition of sung & unsung heroines ( Limpopo village – proposed) 60th Anniversary Build up Programme – Quarter 2: Focus on young women in townships and schools Young Women’s Expo on socio-economic opportunities – Soweto UJ Campus (proposed) Techno-girls programme in partnership with UWESO, DST, DBE and UNICEF
STAKEHOLDER AND OUTREACH PROGRAMMES FOR 2016/17 36 Quarter 2 (cont.) Focus in women including young women from all sectors of society – 60 anniversary of women's march at Union Buildings, Tshwane Quarter 3- Focus in rural, urban, townships farms, informal settlement etc. – # 365 Days of Activism and – 16 Days of Activism -
STAKEHOLDER AND OUTREACH PROGRAMMES FOR 2016/17 37 Quarter 4: Focus on women and young women’ socio- economic empowerment – International Women's Day Quarter 2-4: National Dialogues on Gender Based Violence (GBV) – The dialogues will be held at District level in all Provinces – The dialogues will focus on community members including survivors of GBV – Statistics South Africa is a partner to ensure that as a country we have credible base line statistics on Gender Based Violence
BUDGETED ITEMS FOR 2016/17 FINANCIAL YEAR Outputs / Targets2016/17 Allocation (R,000) Budget 1.Young Women's Dialogue & Expo Quarter 1R th Anniversary of the Women’s march Quarter 2R1, Days of Activism programmeQuarter 3R National GBV Dialogues All quartersR1, International Women’s DayQuater4R Total budgetR
Information knowledge Management 40 Information Knowledge Management is the gateway of information to socio-economic empowerment of women and gender equality
Information and Knowledge Management Activities 2016/17 41 Quarter 1 &2–Start the Information and Knowledge Audit process Contacting the IKM personnel and every stakeholder in preparation for the Audit. Hold preliminary discussions with stakeholders. Create a data base of stakeholders Compile Progress for quarter 1 and 2
Information and Knowledge Management Activities 2016/17 42 Quarter 3- Continue with the Information and knowledge audit process Discussions with stakeholders Select and design audit questionnaire Compile quarter 3 Report on the audit
Information and Knowledge Management Activities 2016/17 43 Quarter 4: Draw up knowledge inventory Analyse knowledge and information flows Draw up an information and knowledge inventory Assess knowledge & information findings Discuss knowledge & Information audit Compile IK Audit Report Close audit
44 Information and Knowledge Management Budget Allocation: 2016/17 ProgrammeBudgetOverall Budget of the unit Information & Knowledge Audit
Organogram for Branch: Policy, Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management ContentsIndex Branch: Policy, Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management DDG: Ramagoshi MEM Branch Coordinator: Mavele C Personal Assistant: Kgosi ME Admin Officer: Shitlhango NR Admin Officer: Makgae M CD: Research, Policy Analysis and Coordination Chief Director: Reddy P Director: Mukwevho TG Deputy Director: ( Vacant to be filled soon) Asssistant Director: Maponyane KP Senior Secretary: Mahlangu ZH CD: Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach Director: International Relations: T Khosa Director Outreach: Tyolwana GN Deputy Director; Stakeholder Coordination: Nematenda GT Deputy Director: Outreach and Young Women: Kekana JM Senior Secretary: Segone JT CD: Gender Sector Information and Knowledge Management Chief Director: Ms FS Nxumalo Assistant Director: ( Vacant to be filled soon) Senior Secretary: Molonyana JB CD: Monitoring and Evaluation Chief Director: Ms Masawa-Dlamini NM Director: Hlaisi LL Deputy Director: Hlokoa RL Asssistant Director: Lamola B Senior Secretary: Moalusi KM